This is my first game made from scratch done with SDL (1.2). It was done as a first semester course at university. (07/06/2010)
Now a bit refactored from C to C++ and from SDL1.2 to SDL2.
Install Gcc, Cmake, SDL2, SDL2 TTF and SDL2 Image on your target OS.
Compiling with CMake:
make clean-win
make build-win
Copy necessary dlls
copy "C:/msys64/ucrt64/bin/libwinpthread-1.dll" "./build"
copy "C:/msys64/ucrt64/bin/libstdc++-6.dll" "./build"
copy "C:/msys64/ucrt64/bin/libgcc_s_seh-1.dll" "./build"
If you need to compile with gcc:
gcc main.c -o campo_de_batalha -IC:/msys64/ucrt64/include/SDL -LC:/msys64/ucrt64/lib -lmingw32 -lSDLmain -lSDL -lws2_32
Building for development:
Compiling with CMake:
make clean
Building for release:
make clean
"Campo de Batalha - Linux"