ODS OSM 3.2.0
This is a maintenance and feature release. The focus was on updating the Leaflet JavaScript library. Some features were added to easier use the GeoJSON vector records.
- Update Leaflet to version 1.7.1
- Update Leaflet plugins and extra libraries to current version
- Update CDN ressources for Leaflet and OpenLayers
- Change Coordinate Picker wizard to use Leaflet instead of broken OpenLayers 2
- Add Vector Draw wizard to replace drawing in old OpenLayers2 based wizard
- Convert language files from XML to XLIFF
- Fix deprecated code which did not work in TYPO3 10 anymore
- Update documentation
- New: Featurecollection in GeoJSON vector records
- New: GeoJSON in external filie for vector records
- New: Styling of vector records (color, stroke-width) like in track records
- New: Two options to separately toggle panning/dragging and mouse-wheel zooming on Leaflet maps
- Thanks to @sypets for pointing out deprecated code and for contribute a solution.
- Thanks to Andreas for sponsoring the enhancement of the GeoJSON vector records and for testing.