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bowling233 committed Jan 10, 2024
1 parent cb8bf13 commit 8098b85
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从上面的分析可知:最大子数组问题的分治解法的时间复杂度为 $T(n)=2T(n/2)+O(n)$,即 $O(n\lg n)$。
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- 顶点的**度数**、路径、简单路径(无重复顶点)、环、简单环(无重复顶点和边)、长度
- 连通、子图、连通分量
- 密度、稀疏图、稠密图
- 二分图

### 无向图



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!!! note "生成树"



!!! note "树的数学性质"

一幅含有 $V$ 个节点的图满足下面的任意条件时,它是一棵树:

- 有 $V-1$ 条边,且不含有环。
- 有 $V-1$ 条边,且是连通的。
- 连通,但删除任意一条边都会使它不连通。
- 无环,但添加任意一条边都会产生环。
- 任意两个顶点之间都有且仅有一条简单路径。
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#### 无向图的表示


通过上面的 API 可以进行下列操作:

- 计算度数
- 计算图的度数
- **计算自环的个数**
- 邻接表表示


- 邻接矩阵(太大)
- 边的数组(存储边的信息)
- 邻接表数组


#### 连通性

连通性可以用并查集算法处理。对每条边执行 `union()` 操作。


## 案例

### union-find 动态连通性
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### Chapter 12 Dynamic Memory

We've used automatic (saved in **stack** memory) and `static` (saved in **static** memory) objects. C++ lets
us allocate objects dynamically

Dynamically allocated objects have a lifetime that is **independent of where they are created**; they exist until they are **explicitly freed**. They are stored in **heap** memory.

Library provides two smart pointer types that manage dynamic objects. A smart pointer acts like a regular pointer with the important exception that it **automatically deletes** the object to which it points.

Common operations:

p.get(); // return a pointer
swap(p, q);
shared_ptr<T> p(q, d);

#### `shared_ptr`
shared_ptr<string> p1;
auto p6 = make_shared<vector<string>>();
auto q(p);

It's a template.

Allows multiple pointers to refer to the same object. Think of a `shared_ptr` as if it has an associated counter.

- count is incremented when
- **copied**
- used as **right-hand** operand of **assignment**
- pass to or
- return from a function by **value**.
- decremented when
- assign new value to
- destroyed.

Once a **shared_ptr**’s counter goes to zero, the shared_ptr automatically frees the object that it manages.

- Cannot convert ordinary Pointers to `shared_ptr`s implicitly. Use initializer: `shared_ptr<int> p2(new int(42));`.

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!!! warning "initialize a smart pointer must point to dynamic memory because use delete to free the associated object"
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Use `make_shared` function to allocate and use dynamic memory.

- It returens a `shared_ptr`.
- It uses its arguments to construct an object of the given type.
- Value initialization if no arguments.
- Use `auto` to avoid type name.

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!!! note "Value Initialization"

Value Initialization is similar to default initialization. In the case of **built-in types** the difference is significant; a value-initialized object of built-in type has a well-defined value but a default-initialized object does not.

We can usually omit the value and supply only a size. In this case the library creates a **value-initialized element initializer for us**. This library-generated value is used to initialize each element in the container. The value of the element initializer depends on the type of the elements stored in the vector.

If the `vector` holds elements of a built-in type, such as int, then the element initializer has a value of 0. If the elements are of a class type, such as string,then the element initializer is itself default initialized.

!!! danger "Memory Leak: `shared_ptr`s in a container"

If you put shared_ptrs in a container, and you subsequently need to use some, but not all, of the elements, remember to erase the elements you no longer need.
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`shared_ptr` is usually used to allow multiple objects to **share the same state** (refer to same object when copied).

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!!! example "`StrBlob`"

class StrBlob {
typedef std::vector<std::string>::size_type size_type;
StrBlob(std::initializer_list<std::string> il);
size_type size() const { return data->size(); }
bool empty() const { return data->empty(); }
void push_back(const std::string &t) {data->push_back(t);}
void pop_back();
std::string& front();
std::string& back();
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::string>> data;
void check(size_type i, const std::string &msg) const;

Uses the **default versions** of the operations that copy, assign, and destroy objects of its type.
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#### Direct manage memory

int *pi = new int;
int *pi = new int(1024);
vector<int> *pv = new vector<int>{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
string *ps = new string(); // value initialized
string *ps1 = new string; // default initialized
auto p1 = new auto(obj);
const string *pcs = new const string;
int *p1 = new int; // ifallocation fails, new throws std::bad_alloc
int *p2 = new (nothrow) int; // if allocation fails, new returns a null pointer
Two operators: `new`, `delete`.
- `new` returns a pointer to allocated memory.
- can use direct initialization, traditional construction (parentheses) or list initialization.
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!!! tip "Caller is responsible for deleting the memory."
!!! tip "assign `nullptr` to the pointer after we use `delete`"
!!! danger "Provides Only Limited Protection: There can be several pointers that point to the same memory."
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## Part III: Tools for Class Authors
### Chapter 13 Copy Control
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## 单词表

| 英文 | 中文 |
| ---- | ---- |
| 英文 | 中文 |
| ------------- | ---- |
| propositional | 命题 |
| predicate | 谓词 |
| quantifier | 量词 |
| cardinality | 基数 |
| hypothesis | 假设 |
| antecedent | 前件 |
| premise | 前提 |
| conclusion | 结论 |
| consequence | 结果 |
| predicate | 谓词 |
| quantifier | 量词 |
| cardinality | 基数 |
| hypothesis | 假设 |
| antecedent | 前件 |
| premise | 前提 |
| conclusion | 结论 |
| consequence | 结果 |

## 命题逻辑

### 简单逻辑运算符

| 算符 | 名称 | 有关的运算性质 |
| ---- | ---- | -------------- |
| $\neg$ | 非 negation ||
| $\wedge$ | 合取 conjunction | |
| $\vee$ | 析取 disjunction | |
| $\oplus$ | 异或 exclusive or | |
| 算符 | 名称 | 有关的运算性质 |
| -------- | ----------------- | -------------- |
| $\neg$ | 非 negation | |
| $\wedge$ | 合取 conjunction | |
| $\vee$ | 析取 disjunction | |
| $\oplus$ | 异或 exclusive or | |

- 从两个及以上命题构造新命题的逻辑运算符称为**联结词(connectives)**
- 从两个及以上命题构造新命题的逻辑运算符称为**联结词(connectives)**

### 条件语句

| 算符 | 名称 | 有关的运算性质 |
| ---- | ---- | -------------- |
| $\rightarrow$ | 条件语句 condition statement<br>蕴含 implication | |
| $\leftrightarrow$ | 双条件语句 biconditional statement<br>等价 equivalence | |

- 逆命题、逆否命题、反命题
- 两个复合命题,不论变量的取值如何,真值总是相同,则称这两个复合命题**等价**
| 算符 | 名称 | 有关的运算性质 |
| ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------------ | -------------- |
| $\rightarrow$ | 条件语句 condition statement<br>蕴含 implication | |
| $\leftrightarrow$ | 双条件语句 biconditional statement<br>等价 equivalence | |

- 逆命题、逆否命题、反命题
- 两个复合命题,不论变量的取值如何,真值总是相同,则称这两个复合命题**等价**

### 优先级

$\neg$ > $\wedge$ > $\vee$ > $\rightarrow$ > $\leftrightarrow$

### 命题的等价与化简

| 公式 | 名称 | 化简 |
| ---- | ---- | ---- |
| $p \wedge \neg p$ | 矛盾式 contradiction | F |
| $p \vee \neg p$ | 永真式 tautology | T |
| $p \rightarrow q$ | 蕴含式 implication | $\neg p \vee q$ |
| $p \leftrightarrow q$ | 等价式 equivalence | $(p\wedge q) \vee (\neg p \wedge \neg q)$ |
| $\neg (p \wedge q)$ | 德摩根定律 De Morgan's law | $\neg p \vee \neg q$ |
| $\neg (p \vee q)$ | 德摩根定律 De Morgan's law | $\neg p \wedge \neg q$ |
| 公式 | 名称 | 化简 |
| --------------------- | -------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- |
| $p \wedge \neg p$ | 矛盾式 contradiction | F |
| $p \vee \neg p$ | 永真式 tautology | T |
| $p \rightarrow q$ | 蕴含式 implication | $\neg p \vee q$ |
| $p \leftrightarrow q$ | 等价式 equivalence | $(p\wedge q) \vee (\neg p \wedge \neg q)$ |
| $\neg (p \wedge q)$ | 德摩根定律 De Morgan's law | $\neg p \vee \neg q$ |
| $\neg (p \vee q)$ | 德摩根定律 De Morgan's law | $\neg p \wedge \neg q$ |

- $p \leftrightarrow q$ 永真,则称 $p$ 与 $q$ 等价,记 $p \equiv q$。注意:$\equiv$ 和 $\Leftrightarrow$ 不是逻辑联结词,而是代表这一语句。

## 基本结构:集合、函数、序列、求和与矩阵

| Eng | 中文 |
| :------------------: | :-------------: |
| universal set | 全集 |
| open/closed interval | 开/闭区间 |
| singleton set | 单元素集 |
| Venn diagram | 维恩图 |
| **proper** subset | ****子集 |
| cardinality | 基数 |
| power set | 幂集 |
| Cartesian product | 笛卡尔积 |
| ordered n-**tuple** | 有序 n **元组** |
| truth set | 真值集 |

### 集合


- 子集、韦恩图
- 基数 $|A|$,有限集、无限集
- 幂集 $\mathcal{P}(A)$
- 笛卡儿积 $A \times B = \{(a, b) \mid a \in A, b \in B\}$
- 笛卡儿积的子集称为从 $A$ 到 $B$ 的**关系**
- 运算:交、并、补、差

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!!! warning "注意:$\emptyset$ 的幂集不是 $\{\emptyset\}$,而是 $\{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\}$。"
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\forall x \in S(P(x)) \equiv \forall x (x \in S \rightarrow P(x))
\forall x \in \mathbf{R}(x^2 \geq 0)
\exists x \in S(P(x)) \equiv \exists x (x \in S \wedge P(x))
\exists x \in \mathbf{Z}(x^2=1)

真值集和量词:给定谓词 $P$ 和论域 $D$,真值集 $\{x \in D \mid P(x)\}$。


\overline{A\cap B} &= \{x \mid x \notin A \cap B\} \\
&= \{x \mid \neg (x \in A \cap B)\} \\
&= \{x \mid \neg (x \in A \wedge x \in B)\} \\
&= \{x \mid \neg x \in A \vee \neg x \in B\} \\
&= \{x \mid x \notin A \vee x \notin B\} \\
&= \{x \mid x \notin A\} \cup \{x \mid x \notin B\} \\
&= \overline{A} \cup \overline{B}


- $p \leftrightarrow q$ 永真,则称 $p$ 与 $q$ 等价,记 $p \equiv q$。注意:$\equiv$ 和 $\Leftrightarrow$ 不是逻辑联结词,而是代表这一语句。
### 集合的基数

- 衡量无限集的相对大小

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!!! note "基数"

当且仅当集合 $A$ 和 $B$ 之间存在双射时,称 $A$ 和 $B$ 的基数相同,记作 $|A|=|B|$。
!!! note "可数集与不可数集"

- 可数集:和正整数集有相同基数 $\aleph_0$ 的集合


- 不可数集:不是可数集的集合

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- 两个可数集合的并集是可数集


- Schroder-Bernstein 定理:如果 $|A| \leq |B|$ 且 $|B| \leq |A|$,则 $|A|=|B|$
> 该证明较难:构造双射 $f:A \rightarrow B$ 和 $g:B \rightarrow A$,然后证明 $f \circ g$ 和 $g \circ f$ 都是恒等映射。
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!!! example "证明 $|(0, 1)|=|(0, 1]|$"
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- 不可计算性
1. 任何编程语言编写的计算机程序的集合是**可数的**
2. 从一个特定的可数无限集到自身的函数有**不可数无限多个**
3. 结合上面两个结论,可得到:存在不可计算的函数。

- 连续统假设
1. $|\mathbf{P}(\mathbf{Z^+})|=|\mathbf{R}|=c$
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