- Clone crt, cre, and bioscripts to
, and~/bioscripts
. - Set PATH:
export PATH=~/crt/scripts:~/cre/scripts:~/bioscripts/scripts
in ~/.bash_profile. - Install bcbio_nextgen, set PATH and PYTHONPATH:
export PATH=/path/bcbio/anaconda/bin:$PATH
export PYTHONPATH=/path/bcbio/anaconda/lib/python2.7
- Run
~/crg/crg.setup.sh <project>
to set up the folders and directory structures for running CRG - Softlink the fastq files for the family into the
folder named by<projectID>_<sampleID>_1.fq.gz
- From within the
folder, run~/crg/crg.prepare_bcbio_run.sh <project> align_decoy
to set up the bcbio project - Submit bcbio
qsub ~/cre/scripts/bcbio.pbs -v project=project
- (Optional) For multiple projects create a list of projects in projects.txt and run:
qsub -t 1-N ~/cre/scripts/bcbio.array.pbs
where N = number of projects. - To speed up the process, run one project per sample.
- Navigate to the
folder and symlink the bams from step 2. - Navigate two folders up and prepare the bcbio project:
~/crg/crg.prepare_bcbio_run.sh <project> small_variants
- Run bcbio:
qsub ~/cre/bcbio.pbs -v project=<project>
- Once complete, clean up:
qsub ~/cre/cre.sh -v family=<project>,cleanup=1,make_report=0,type=wgs
- To generate the coding report, run:
qsub ~/cre/cre.sh -v family=<project>
Within thebcbio-small-variants
folder. - Create a bed file for prioritization of small and structural variants in the
2.1. If gene the list comes from Phenotips:
Rscript ~/bioscripts/genes.R phenotips_hpo2gene_coordinates phenotips_hpo.tsv
. Stringr should be >=1.4. Or use genes.R in a custom case.
2.2. Some genes might be missing (they don't have ENS IDs in phenotips tsv file, they are reported by script, you can try ~/cre/data/missing_genes_grch37.bed or GeneCards/Ensembl resources to find them).
2.3. Sort and merge with bedtools:
bedtools sort -i unsorted.bed > sorted.bed
bedtools merge -i sorted.bed > project.bed
2.4. result is<project>.bed
2.5 add 100k bp to each gene start and end:
~/crg/crg.flank.sh <project>.bed > <project>.flank.100k.bed
- Nagivate to the
folder and run:
bedtools intersect --header -a <project>-ensemble.vcf.gz -b <project>.bed > <project>.panel.vcf.gz
. The<project>-ensemble.vcf.gz
file should be from thebcbio-small-variants
folder and the<project>.bed
from thegenes
folder. - Reannotate variants in panels and create gemini.db:
qsub ~/crg/crg.vcf2cre.sh -v original_vcf=<project>.panel.vcf.gz,project=<project>
note crg.vcf2cre.sh not cre.vcf2cre.sh: annotations for WGS are different - Create panel report from within the
folder:qsub ~/cre/cre.sh -v family=<project>,type=wgs
- Perform steps 3-5 for the
file and within thepanel-flank100k
- Run the
~/crg/crg.call-svs.sh <project>
script to set up the pipeline for SV calling. It will submit jobs to remove decoys and run SV calling for samples individually.
- Report columns
- cd into the bcbio-sv directory and run the merging and annotation script:
~/crg/crg.merge.annotate.sv.sh <project>
. To include HPO terms in the report, put the file from PhenomeCentral in the~/gene_data/HPO
folder named by<project>_HPO.txt
. - (Optional) Generate per sample reports:
3.1cd <sample_dir>
3.2qsub ~/crg/crg.sv.prioritize.sh -v case=<project>,panel=<panel.bed>
Also outputs sample.tsv file for annotation in TCAG with DGV frequencies.
3.3crg.sv.prioritize.sh <project> panel.bed tcag_annotated_file.tsv
to incorporate DGV frequencies.
AnnotSV must be set up as a part of the local environment to generate family level reports. Users should set FeaturesOverlap and SVtoAnnOverlap to 50 in the configFile. Because these scripts group SV's which have a 50% recipricol overlap, annotation should follow a similar rule.
DGV and DDD columns are annotated by AnnotSV.
Create STR reports for known(ExpansionHunter) and denovo(ExpansionHunterDenovo) repeats.
- Run
sh crg.str.sh <familyID>
from one level outside where crg project directory is set up. Checks for aligned input BAMs in folders<familyID>/
- This script will create 2 Excel reports in the following directories,
- [Report columns]
- All custom scripts required for generating the reports are placed in
and all the paths to annotation files are hard-coded inside bash scriptscrg/crg.eh.sh
- GT
- SOURCES: which programs called the event
- NUM_SVTOOLS: how many programs supported the event
- GENES: genes overlapping the event (mostly one gene)
- ANN: raw annotation from VEP
- SVscores: SVscore-github, SVscore-article
- DGV: frequency in DGV, 8000 WGS
crg.intersect_sv_reports.py generates a report summarizing structural variants across several samples. It groups structural variants of similar size and position in to a single "reference" structural variant. Grouping is useful when analyzing families as most structural variants should be similar and conserved across samples.
The script produces a CSV file which can be analyzed using spreadsheet software.
Includes all of the columns above, except SOURCES, NUM_SVTOOLS, SVTYPE and ANN, in addition to:
- N_SAMPLES: number of samples a reference interval overlaps with
- LONGEST_SVTYPE: SVTYPE taken from the longest overlapping SV
- EXONS_SPANNED: number of exons a SV affects
- DECIPHER_LINK: hyperlink to DECIPHER website for the reference interval
- DGV_GAIN_n_samples_with_SV
- DGV_GAIN_n_samples_tested
- DGV_GAIN_Frequency
- DGV_LOSS_n_samples_with_SV
- DGV_LOSS_n_samples_tested
- DGV_LOSS_Frequency
- DDD_DUP_n_samples_with_SV
- DDD_DUP_Frequency
- DDD_DEL_n_samples_with_SV
- DDD_DEL_Frequency
- HGMD_GROSS_INSERTION: gross (>20bp) insertion events in this gene that have been observed in HGMD
- HGMD_GROSS_DUPLICATION: gross duplication events in this gene that have been observed in HGMD
- HGMD_GROSS_DELETION: gross deletion events in this gene that have been observed in HGMD
- HGMD_COMPLEX_VARIATION: complex variations (combination of indels, translocations, SNP, fusions, inversions) in this gene that have been observed in HGMD
- SAMPLE: does this sample have an overlapping SV in it? (0,1)
- SAMPLE_details: what are the SV's in this sample which overlap with the reference?
TCAG produces CNV calls for each individual using CNVnator and ERDS. To create a family-level CNV report:
qsub merge.cnv.reports.pbs -F <project>
It is helpful to know if an SV is supported by a CNV call and vice versa, as it provides additional support for that variant being real. To annotate overlaps, run:
python3 compare_sv_cnv.py -sv <SV report> -cnv <CNV report>
Note that the script should be run on both the filtered and unfiltered SV report. When the unfiltered SV report is provided as an argument, the CNV report will not be annotated with the SV overlaps. \
- bcbio-align: config and final dirs from bcbio align-decoy run
- bcbio-small-variants: bcbio configs and vcfs from bcbio small variant, output of cre for coding report
- bcbio-sv: SV output from bcbio
- genes: HPO, gene list, bed file
- panel: non-coding report for gene panel cre dir
- panel-flank100k: non-coding report for gene panel +100k flank cre dir
- reports: csv report we send
- tcag: tcag analysis
- bam and bai files (without ready) - in the top directory to for easy access, bams from align-decoy step!
bcftools view -i 'ALT="<DEL>"' 159_CH0315.pass.vcf.gz | bcftools query -f '%CHROM\t%POS\t%INFO/END\n' -o 159.metasv.del.bed
cat 159_CH0315.erds+_db20171204_20180815_3213_annotated.tsv | awk '$5 ~/DEL/{print $2"\t"$3"\t"$4}' > 159.tcag.del.bed
bedtools intersect -a 159.tcag.dup.bed -b 159.metasv.dup.bed -f 0.5 -wo -r | wc -l
Use wrapper script to submit and run most basic portions of the pipeline (align, variant calling) for single or multiple projects in one go. Please refer to crg_wrapper_readme.md
for more details.