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Research pipeline for exploring clinically relevant genomic variants


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Clinical research pipeline for exploring variants in whole genome (WGS) and exome (WES) sequencing data

crg2 is a research pipeline aimed at discovering clinically relevant variants in whole genome and exome sequencing data. It aims to provide reproducible results, be computationally efficient, and transparent in it's workflow.

crg2 uses Snakemake and Conda to manage jobs and software dependencies.

Installation instructions

A note about the config files: the values in config_hpf.yaml refer to tool/filepaths on SickKid's HPC4Health tenancy (hpf), while the values in config_cheo_ri.yaml refer to tool/filepaths on CHEO's HPC4Health tenancy. For simplicity, we refer below only to config_hpf.yaml; if you are running crg2 on CHEO's tenancy, use config_cheo_ri.yaml instead.

  1. If you are running crg2 on the hpf, skip to the 'Running the pipeline' section.
  2. Download and setup Anaconda:
  3. Install Snakemake 5.10.0 via Conda:
  4. Git clone this repo, crg, and cre. crg2 uses various scripts from other two repos to generate final reports.
  5. Make a directory for Conda to install all its environments and executables in, for example:
mkdir ~/crg2-conda
  1. Navigate to the crg2 directory. Install all software dependencies using:
  • WGS:
    cd crg2
    snakemake --use-conda -s Snakefile --conda-prefix ~/crg2-conda --create-envs-only
  • WES: This will install additional tools like freebayes, platypus, mosdepth and gatk3.
    cd crg2
    snakemake --use-conda -s cre.Snakefile --conda-prefix ~/crg2-conda --create-envs-only

Make sure to replace ~/crg2-conda with the path made in step 4. This will take a while.

  1. Install these plugins for VEP: LoF, MaxEntScan, SpliceRegion. Refer to this page for installation instructions: The script has been renamed to vep_install in the VEP's Conda build. It is located in the conda environment directory, under share/ensembl-vep-99.2-0/vep_install. Therefore, your command should be similar to: fb5f2eb3/share/ensembl-vep-99.2-0/vep_install -a p --PLUGINS LoF,MaxEntScan,SpliceRegion

  2. Git clone cre: git clone to a safe place.

  3. Replace the VEP paths to the VEP directory installed from step 6. Replace the cre path in crg2/config_hpf.yaml with the one from step 7.

  4. AnnotSV 2.1 is required for SV report generation.

  • Download AnnotSV: wget
  • Unpack : tar -xzvf AnnotSV_2.1.tar.gz
  • Set the value of $ANNOTSV in your .bashrc: export ANNOTSV=/path_of_AnnotSV_installation/bin
  • Modify AnnotSV_2.1/configfile:
    • set -bedtools: bedtools
    • set -overlap: 50
    • set -reciprocal yes
    • set -svtBEDcol: 4
  1. To generate a gene panel from an HPO text file exported from PhenomeCentral or G4RD, add the HPO filepath to config["run"]["hpo"]. You will also need to generate Ensembl and RefSeq gene files as well as an HGNC gene mapping file.
  • Download and unzip Ensembl gtf: wget -qO- | gunzip -c > Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.87.gtf
  • Download and unzip RefSeq gff: wget | gunzip -c > GRCh37_latest_genomic.gff
  • Download RefSeq chromosome mapping file: wget
  • Run script to parse the above files: python scripts/ --ensembl_gtf /path/to/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.87.gtf --refseq_gff3 /path/to/GRCh37_latest_genomic.gff --refseq_assembly /path/to/GRCh37_latest_assembly_report.txt
  • Add the paths to the output files, Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.87.gtf_subset.csv and GRCh37_latest_genomic.gff_subset.csv, to the config["gene"]["ensembl"] and config["gene"]["refseq"] fields.
  • You will also need the HGNC alias file: download this from using the default fields. Add the path this file to config["gene"]["hgnc"].
  1. You will need to have R in your $PATH to generate the str (EH and EHDN) reports. You will also need to install the following packages: dbscan, doSNOW.
    $ R
    > install.packages("dbscan")
    > install.packages("doSNOW")
  2. To generate a mobile element insertion report (WGS only), MELT installation is required and some paths must be added to config_hpf.yaml:
  • Download MELT from
  • Unpack the .tar.gz file: tar zxf MELTvX.X.tar.gz This should create a MELTvX.X directory in your current directory.
  • In config_hpf.yaml, add the path to the MELTvX.X directory to config[“tools”][”melt”] .
  • Generate a transposon reference text file containing a list of full paths to the mobile element references. For example: ls <full_path_to>/MELTv2.2.2/me_refs/1KGP_Hg19/* > transposon_file_list.txt
  • In config_hpf.yaml, add the full path to the transposon reference text file to config[“ref”][“melt_element_ref”].
  • In config_hpf.yaml, add the full path to hg19.genes.bed, containing the gene annotation for the FASTA reference to config[“annotation”][“melt”][“genes”]. The file can be found at: <full_path_to>/MELTv2.2.2/add_bed_files/1KGP_Hg19/hg19.genes.bed

Pipeline details

Pre-calling steps

  1. Map fastqs to the human decoy genome GRCh37d5

  2. Picard MarkDuplicates, but don't remove reads

  3. GATK4 base recalibration

  4. Remove reads mapped to decoy chromosomes


  1. Call SNV's and generate gVCFs

  2. Merge gVCF's and perform joint genotyping

  3. Filter against GATK best practices filters

  4. Decompose multiallelics, sort and uniq the filtered VCF using vt

  5. Annotate using vcfanno and VEP

  6. Generate a gemini db using

  7. Generate a cre report using


  1. Call variants using GATK, Freebayes, Platypus, and SAMTools.

  2. Apply caller specific filters and retain PASS variants

  3. Decompose multiallelics, sort and uniq filtered VCF using vt

  4. Retain variants called by GATK or 2 other callers; Annotate caller info in VCF with INFO/CALLER and INFO/NUMCALLS.

  5. Annotate using vcfanno and VEP

  6. Generate a gemini db using

  7. Generate a cre report using

  8. Repeat the above 1-7 steps using GATK MUTECT2 variant calls to generate a mosaic variant report

WGS: SV (filtered and unfiltered)

  1. Call SV's using Manta, Smoove and Wham

  2. Merge calls using MetaSV

  3. Annotate VCF using snpEff and SVScores

  4. Split multi-sample VCF into individual sample VCFs

  5. Generate an annotated report (produces filtered, i.e. SV called by at least two callers, and unfiltered reports)


  1. Filter Manta SV calls to exclude all variants but BNDs

  2. Annotate VCF using snpEff

  3. Generate an annotated BND report


A. ExpansionHunter: known repeat location

  1. Identify repeat expansions in sample BAM/CRAMs
  2. Annotate repeats with disease threshold, gene name, repeat sizes from 1000Genome (mean& median)
  3. Generate per-family report as Excel file

B. ExpansionHunterDenovo: denovo repeats

  1. Identify denovo repeat in sample BAM/CRAMs
  2. Combine individual JSONs from current family and 1000Genomes to a multi-sample TSV
  3. Run DBSCAN clustering to identify outlier repeats
  4. Annotate with gnoMAD, OMIM, ANNOVAR
  5. Generate per-family report as Excel file

WGS: Mitochondrial variants

  1. Call MT variants using mity call
  2. Normalize MT variants using mity normalize
  3. Annotate MT variants using vcfanno
  4. Generate mitochondrial variant report

WGS: MELT mobile element insertions (MEIs)

  1. Preprocess CRAMs
  2. Call MEIs in individuals
  3. Group and genotype MEIs across a family
  4. Filter out ac0 calls
  5. Annotate variants
  6. Generate MELT report

Running the pipeline

  1. Make a folder in a directory with sufficient space. Copy over the template files crg2/samples.tsv, crg2/units.tsv, crg2/config_hpf.yaml, crg2/, crg2/slurm_profile/slurm-config.yaml . You may need to re-copy config_hpf.yaml and slurm-config.yaml if the files were recently updated in the repo from previous crg2 runs. Note that 'slurm-config.yaml' is for submitting each rule as cluster jobs, so ignore this if not running on cluster.
mkdir NA12878
cp crg2/samples.tsv crg2/units.tsv crg2/config_hpf.yaml crg2/ crg2/slurm_profile/slurm-config.yaml NA12878
cd NA12878
  1. Set up pipeline run
  • Reconfigure 'samples.tsv', 'units.tsv' to reflect sample names and input files.
  • Modify 'config_hpf.yaml':
    • change project to refer to the family ID (here, NA12878).
    • set pipeline to wes, wgs, annot or mity for exome sequences, whole genome sequences, to simply annotate a VCF respectively or to generate mitochondrial reports
    • inclusion of a panel bed file (panel) or hpofile (hpo) will generate 2 SNV reports with all variants falling within these regions, one which includes variants in flanking regions as specified by flank.
    • inclusion of a ped file with parents and a proband(s) will allow generation of a genome-wide de novo report if pipeline is wgs.
    • minio refers to the path of the file system mount that backs MinIO in the CHEO HPC4Health tenancy. Exome reports (and coverage reports, if duplication percentage is >20%) will be copied to this path if specified.




sample	platform	fq1	fq2	bam	cram
NA12878	ILLUMINA			/hpf/largeprojects/ccmbio/GIAB_benchmark_datasets/hg19/WGS/NA12878/RMNISTHS_30xdownsample.bam


  project: "NA12878"
  samples: samples.tsv
  units: units.tsv
  ped: "" # leave this string empty if there is no ped
  panel: "" # three-column BED file based on hpo file; leave this string empty if there is no panel
  hpo: "" # five-column TSV with HPO terms; leave this string empty is there are no hpo terms
  flank: 100000
  gatk: "gatk"
  pipeline: "wgs" #either wes (exomes) or wgs (genomes) or annot (to annotate and produce reports for an input vcf) or mity (to generate mitochondrial reports)
  minio: ""
  PT_credentials: ""
  1. Activate the conda environment with Snakemake 5.10.0
(base) [dennis.kao@qlogin5 crg2]$ conda activate snakemake
(snakemake) [dennis.kao@qlogin5 crg2]$ snakemake -v
  1. Test that the pipeline will run by adding the flag "-n" to the command in and running it.
(snakemake) [dennis.kao@qlogin5 crg2]$ sh
Building DAG of jobs...
Job counts:
	count	jobs
	1	EH
	1	EH_report
	1	EHdn
	1	EHdn_report
	1	all
	1	allsnvreport
	1	bam_to_cram
	1	bcftools_stats
	1	bgzip
	25	call_variants
	25	combine_calls
	1	fastq_screen
	1	fastqc
	25	genotype_variants
	2	hard_filter_calls
	1	input_prep
	1	manta
	1	map_reads
	1	mark_duplicates
	1	md5
	1	merge_calls
	1	merge_variants
	1	metasv
	1	mito_vcfanno
	1	mity_call
	1	mity_normalise
	1	mity_report
	1	mosdepth
	1	multiqc
	1	pass
	1	peddy
	1	qualimap
	1	recalibrate_base_qualities
	1	remove_decoy
	3	samtools_index
	1	samtools_index_cram
	1	samtools_stats
	2	select_calls
	1	smoove
	2	snpeff
	1	subset
	1	svreport
	2	svscore
	1	tabix
	1	vcf2db
	1	vcfanno
	1	vep
	1	verifybamid2
	1	vt
	1	wham
	1	write_version

  [rule inputs and outputs removed for brevity]

This was a dry-run (flag -n). The order of jobs does not reflect the order of execution.
  1. Submit pipeline job to the cluster

    Job scheduler: PBS on SickKids hpf

    • Serialized jobs: qsub dnaseq.pbs
    • Parallelized jobs: qsub dnaseq_cluster.pbs

    Refer to pbs_profile/ document for detailed documentation for cluster integration.

    Job scheduler: Slurm

    • Parallelized jobs on SickKids hpf: sbatch
    • Parallelized jobs on CHEO-RI space: sbatch is called by Stager when exome analyses are requested. It automatically sets up ( and kicks off the crg2 WES pipeline via the slurm API using linked files that have been uploaded to MinIO.

Pipeline reports


Column descriptions and more info on how variants are filtered can be found in the CCM Sharepoint.

The WES pipeline generates 5 reports:

  1. wes.regular - report on coding SNVs in exonic regions

  2. wes.synonymous - report on synonymous SNVs in exonic regions

  3. clinical.wes.regular - same as wes.regular but with more stringent filters

  4. clinical.wes.synonymous - same as wes.synonymous but with more stringent filters

  5. wes.mosaic - putative mosaic variants

The WGS pipeline generates up to 11 reports:

The SNV reports can be found in the directories:

  • report/coding/{PROJECT_ID}/{PROJECT_ID}.*wes*.csv
  • report/panel/{PROJECT_ID}/{PROJECT_ID}.*wgs*.csv
  • report/panel-flank/{PROJECT_ID}/{PROJECT_ID}.*wgs*.csv
  • report/denovo/{PROJECT_ID}/{PROJECT_ID}.*wgs*.csv

The SV reports can be found in the directory (SV, unfiltered SV, and BND):

  • report/sv/{PROJECT_ID}.wgs.{VER}.{DATE}.tsv

The STR reports can be found in:

  • report/str/{PROJECT_ID}.EH.v1.1.{DATE}.xlsx
  • report/str/{PROJECT_ID}.EHDN.{DATE}.xlsx

The mitochondrial report can be found in the directory:

  • report/mitochondrial/{PROJECT_ID}

The MELT mobile element report can be found in the directory:

  • report/MELT/{PROJECT_ID}.wgs.{DATE}.csv

Automatic pipeline submission

Genomes script can be used to automate the above process for a batch of genomes.

usage: [-h] -f FILE -s {fastq,mapped,recal,decoy_rm} -d path
Reads sample info from TSV file (-f) and creates directory (-d) necessary to start crg2 from step (-s) requested.
optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FILE, --file FILE  Five column TAB-seperated sample info file; template sample file: crg2/sample_info.tsv
  -s {fastq,mapped,recal,decoy_rm}, --step {fastq,mapped,recal,decoy_rm}
                        start running from this folder creation(step)
  -d path, --dir path   Absolute path where crg2 directory struture will be created under familyID as base directory

The script performs the following operations for each familyID present in the sample info file

  • create run folder: <familyID>
  • copy the following files to run folder and update settings where applicable:
    • config_hpf.yaml: update run name, input type, panel and ped (if avaialble in /hpf/largeprojects/ccmbio/dennis.kao/gene_data/{HPO,Pedigrees})
    • units.tsv: add sample name, and input file paths
    • samples.tsv: add sample names
    • rename job
    • slurm-config.yaml
  • submit Snakemake job

Exomes for re-analysis script can be used to automate the above process for exome re-analysis.

usage: [-h] -f FILE -d path

Reads sample info from Stager analysis csv file (-f) and creates directory (-d) necessary to run crg2.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FILE, --file FILE  Analyses csv output from STAGER
  -d path, --dir path   Absolute path where crg2 directory structure will be created under familyID/analysisID as base directory

The script parses an analysis request csv from Stager for exome re-analyses and sets up necessary directories (under 2nd argument), files as below:

  1. create family analysis directory under directory provided
  2. copy config_cheo_ri.yaml, slurm-config.yaml and from crg2 repo and replace necessary strings
  3. search results directory /srv/shared/hpf/exomes/results for crams from previous analyses
  4. create units.tsv and samples.tsv for snakemake
  5. submit job if all the above goes well

Genomes for re-analysis script can be used to automate the above process for genome re-analysis.

usage: [-h] -f FILE -d path

Reads sample info from Stager analysis csv file (-f) and creates directory (-d) necessary to run crg2.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FILE, --file FILE  Analyses csv output from STAGER
  -d path, --dir path   Absolute path where crg2 directory structure will be created under familyID as base directory

The script parses an analysis request csv from Stager for genome re-analyses and sets up necessary directories (under 2nd argument), files as below:

  1. create family analysis directory under directory provided
  2. copy config_cheo_ri.yaml, slurm-config.yaml and from crg2 repo and replace necessary strings
  3. search results directories for crams from previous analyses
  4. create units.tsv and samples.tsv for snakemake
  5. submit job if all the above goes well

Extra targets

The following output files are not included in the main Snakefile and can be requested in snakemake command-line.

  1. HPO annotated reports: Reports from coding, panel and panel-flank can be annotated with HPO terms whenever HPO file is available with us. This is done mainly for monthly GenomeRounds. HPO annotated TSV files are created in directory: report/hpo_annotated using the following command:

snakemake --use-conda -s $SF --conda-prefix $CP --profile ${PBS} -p report/hpo_annotated

The reason to not include this output in Snakefile is that the output of rule allsnvreport is a directory and hence snakemake will not check for the creation of final csv reports. So, users are required to make sure the csv reports are created in the three folders above, and then request for the output of rule annotate_hpo separately on command-line (or append to the dnaseq_cluster.pbs).

Other outputs

CNV and SV comparison outputs are not yet part of the pipeline. Please follow the steps 7 & 8 in crg to generate the following three TSVs (this is also required for GenomeRounds)

  1. <FAMILYID>.<DATE>.cnv.withSVoverlaps.tsv
  2. <FAMILYID><VER>.<DATE>.withCNVoverlaps.tsv
  3. <FAMILYID><VER>.<DATE>.withCNVoverlaps.tsv


SNV calls from WES and WGS pipeline can be benchmarked using the GIAB dataset HG001_NA12878 (family_sample) and truth calls from NISTv3.3.2

  1. Copy all required files for run as here. The inputs in units.tsv are downsampled for testing purposes. Edit the tsv to use the inputs from HPF: ccmmarvin_shared/validation/benchmarking/benchmark-datasets or CHEO-RI: /srv/shared/data/benchmarking-datasets/HG001.
  2. Copy crg2/benchmark_hpf.tsv or crg2/benchmark_cheo_ri.tsv to current directory. Note: benchmark_x.tsv uses HG001_NA12878 as family_sample name, so you should edit the "project" name in config_hpf.yaml
  3. Edit the config_hpf.yaml to set "wes" or "wgs" pipeline
  4. Edit to include the target validation/HG001

crg2 Developer Documentation:

A guideline to developing crg2 can be found in this document.


Research pipeline for exploring clinically relevant genomic variants







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