You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 167
Release process
Ensure the AndroidGCS AndroidManifest.xml is bumped to the current version before beginning the checklist.
Prepare the tag and push to a release branch (as appropriate, based on what process has been followed on this branch to date.
git fetch upstream
git checkout upstream/next
git checkout -b codename
git push upstream codename
git tag -a Release-YYYYDDMM [date in UTC, give an appropriate descriptive message]
git push upstream Release-YYYYDDMM
The git tag format used for releases is Release-yyyymmdd, optionally with a suffix .[0-9] to make it clear that a build is fundamentally a hotfix or corrected build.
- Trigger the build
Specify the tag name
- Write the release notes for the tag on Github
Download and upload the artifacts (yuck)
Use package/release-asset-info.py to tag the artifacts with pretty names. It takes --help. Need a appropriate github token.
Confirm artifacts, etc.
Instruct Jenkins to preserve the build forever.
Update the topic on IRC
Close or move remaining bugs into next release, as appropriate.
Update the Releases page.
Sign and upload the AGCS artifact to the Play store.
jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore dronin.keystore androidgcs-neat-unsigned.apk dronin
tools/android-sdk-linux/build-tools/20.0.0/zipalign -v 4 androidgcs-neat-unsigned.apk androidgcs-neat.apk
Append the githash to the UAVO_GIT_VERSIONS in the makefile so that future versions of AndroidGCS will work with this release.
Stage commits like this: https://github.com/d-ronin/d-ronin.github.io/commit/16db6133c4b7b2ad25017afc403bfe5113b3af70 first on preview builds, then on past release builds.
Remove all "possible hotfix" tags from closed issues/PRs, because there is an official release with them.
Remove all previous releases that are superseded by hotfixes. E.g. if you are shipping 20161004, delete 20160720 because 20160720.1 exists.
- An appropriate
-- executable (sigh), empty on linux/mac, built from Windows build procedure on Windows - A checked-out repo with appropriate tools somewhere. Symlinked from its tool directory,
... Use appropriate magic on windows with mklink (something likecmd //c mklink //j /dronin-tools tools
) - A configuration
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<matrix-project plugin="[email protected]">
<description>dRonin Branch Builds</description>
<strategy class="hudson.tasks.LogRotator">
<com.coravy.hudson.plugins.github.GithubProjectProperty plugin="[email protected]">
<description>Branch name or SHA to build on.</description>
<scm class="hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM" plugin="[email protected]">
<refspec>+refs/pull/*:refs/remotes/origin/pr/* +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*</refspec>
<submoduleCfg class="list"/>
<spec># 5:03 every day
3 5 * * *</spec>
<org.jenkinsci.plugins.ghprb.GhprbTrigger plugin="[email protected]">
<spec>H/5 * * * *</spec>
<adminlist>mlyle tracernz pug398</adminlist>
<cron>H/5 * * * *</cron>
<triggerPhrase>.*build artifacts please.*</triggerPhrase>
<triggeredStatus>triggered building artifacts</triggeredStatus>
<startedStatus>artifacts building</startedStatus>
<message>artifacts built</message>
<command>. ~/.bash_profile
if echo "$NODE_NAME" | grep "winx86" ; then
mkdir -p build
cmd //c rmdir //q //s build
git clean -f -d -x -e tools</command>
<command>. ~/.bash_profile
rm -f tools
if echo "$NODE_NAME" | grep "winx86" ; then
cmd //c mklink //j tools /dronin-tools
ln -s /dronin-tools tools
<command>. ~/.bash_profile
git reset --hard</command>
<command>. ~/.bash_profile
GCS_BUILD_CONF=release FLIGHT_BUILD_CONF=release make -j3 all package_flight</command>
<command>. ~/.bash_profile
if [ "$NODE_NAME" = "master" ] ; then
make -j3 androidgcs
ANDROIDGCS_BUILD_CONF=release make -j3 androidgcs
<command>. ~/.bash_profile
if [ "$NODE_NAME" = "master" ] ; then
make all_ut_run
<command>. ~/.bash_profile
if echo "$NODE_NAME" | grep "winx86" ; then
# Presently not supported on Windows
EXPORT_SYMBOLS=YES make package_all_compress
make package_all_compress
<command>. ~/.bash_profile
make package_installer</command>
<command>. ~/.bash_profile
mkdir -p build/artifacts
mv build/dronin*.zip build/dronin*.xz build/dRonin*.exe build/*.dmg build/dronin*.deb build/artifacts || true
mv build/package-*/dronin*.deb build/package-*/dRonin*.exe build/package-*/d*.dmg build/artifacts || true
mv build/dronin-*-breakpad.tar.xz build/dronin-*-breakpad.zip dronin-*-symbols.tar.xz dronin-*-symbols.zip build/artifacts || true
mv build/androidgcs/bin/androidgcs*.apk build/artifacts || true
rm -f tools</command>
<org.jenkinsci.plugins.postbuildscript.PostBuildScript plugin="[email protected]">
<command>if [ "x$ghprbPullId" != "x" ] ; then
<hudson.plugins.ircbot.IrcPublisher plugin="[email protected]">
<targets class="empty-list"/>
<buildToChatNotifier class="hudson.plugins.im.build_notify.SummaryOnlyBuildToChatNotifier" plugin="[email protected]"/>
<executionStrategy class="hudson.matrix.DefaultMatrixExecutionStrategyImpl">
- mkcomment.py:
# ghprbTriggerAuthorLoginMention
# ghprbPullId
import json
import requests
from os import environ
owner = 'd-ronin'
repo = 'dRonin'
issue = 356
url = 'https://api.github.com/repos/%s/%s/issues/%s/comments'%(owner, repo, environ['ghprbPullId'])
buildUrl = environ['BUILD_URL'] + 'Nodes=%s/artifact/build/artifacts/'
builders = { "windows" : "winx86-neo", "linux-x86_64" : "master", "macosx" : "osx" }
body = "Artifacts built, by request of %s\n\n" % (environ['ghprbTriggerAuthorLoginMention'])
for b in builders.keys():
body += "* [%s](%s)\n"%(b, buildUrl%(builders[b]))
auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth('dronin-ci', token)
payload = { 'body' : body }
print "Posting to %s" % (url)
print "Body : %s" % (json.dumps(payload))
r = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(payload), auth=auth)
print r