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User Guide: MinimOSD Setup

Michael Corcoran edited this page Aug 31, 2016 · 5 revisions

Note: The MSP telemetry protocol is now supported so MWOSD can be used; it offers a richer feature set than minimosd-extra and is actively developed. See How to setup MWOSD for dRonin. If you still wish to use the original minimosd-extra firmware with MAVLINK telemetry continue reading below.

Project Homepage:

MinimOSD works by taking a Mavlink data-stream via serial and then displaying that data on the OSD (based on how you configure MinimOSD). dRonin uses UAVTalk and therefore is not natively able to communicate with the MinimOSD. Luckily dRonin has a UAVTalk to Mavlink Module.

This article assumes your MinimOSD has been flashed correctly and that you have the MinimOSD-extra configuration utility installed. Details for MinimOSD are here:

Enable UAVTalk to Mavlink

In the dRonin GCS

  1. Configuration -> Modules -> Tick UAVO Mavlink stream
  2. Configuration -> Board -> MavlinkTX (or) MavlinkTX_GPS_RX (on one of the serial ports) You have now configured dRonin to communicate with MinimOSD.

By default dRonin will send the below Mavlink messages to the MinimOSD. Most of the information is sent without further configuration but some pieces of data need configuration on both dRonin and MinimOSD.


In the dRonin GCS

  1. Configuration -> Hardware -> Enable GPS on an Input
  2. Configuration -> Modules -> Tick GPS (reboot) If you get issues with your GPS:
  3. System -> Settings -> ModuleSettings -> AdminState a. Configure your GPS settings here.


In the dRonin GCS

  1. System -> Settings -> ManualControlSettings: a. RssiType- Choose between PWM, PPM or ADC. b. RssiChannelNumber- Choose the Rssi channel number, ex '0' for ADC channel 0. c. Reboot.
  2. System -> Data Objects -> ManualControlCommand: a. Note RawRssi with Tx next to Rx (max rssi) and at the furthest usable distance (min rssi).
  3. System -> Settings -> ManualControlSettings: a. Enter RssiMax and RssiMin with the values from step 2.

In MinimOSD Configurator

  1. RSSI min max values of 0 and 100. Note: For systems like FrSky with a very short Rssi PWM period there is and extra setting: ManualControlSettings RssiPwmPeriod.


In the dRonin GCS

  1. System -> Settings -> FlightBatterySettings:

  2. Enter Capacity (in Mah)

  3. Enter NbCells (with number of Lipo cells)

  4. Choose CurrentPin

  5. Choose VoltagePin

  6. System -> Settings -> FlightBatterySettings -> SensorCalibrationFactor:

  7. [Voltage] Enter the number of Mv per volt your sensor outputs.

  8. [Current] Enter the number of Mv per volt your sensor outputs.

Other Tips

  1. It is recommended to use the MavlinkTX_GPS_RX as it allows you to use one serial port for both GPS and MinimOSD.

  2. You will need a GPS plugged into your dRonin board for the MinimOSD to display GPS data.

  3. To switch the screens with Accessory1 select channel 8 Settings

The mavlink channel numbers are linked to:

  1. Throttle
  2. Roll
  3. Pitch
  4. Yaw
  5. FlightMode
  6. Collective
  7. Accessory0
  8. Accessory1
  9. Accessory2(not avail on mavlink)

Support Mavlink Messages:

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