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Marcel Kloubert edited this page Jun 13, 2021 · 2 revisions

A set of useful and handy helpers.

Code Execution

Executes a line of (JavaScript) code.


Enter $help to open the list of available functions and modules.



The CancellationToken object, to check the current progress state.



Stores the content of the active text editor, if available.

$alert( $e )


The Progress object, to control the current progress state ... s. withProgress().

${ message: 'Hello, TM!' })



Shows a (warning) popup.

$alert("Hello, TM!")


Handles a value as string and returns the ASCII (codes).


$base64(val, enc?)

Converts a value to a Base64 string.


$bcrypt(val, saltOrRounds?)

Handles a value as string and hashes with bcrypt.

$bcrypt("MyP@ssword123!", 10)

$bcryptcomp(val, hash)

Handles a value and a hash as strings and checks, with bcrypt, if they match.

$bcryptcomp("MyP@ssword123!", "$2a$10$JemKONAF8YtWJR88jIh52O7a2011ntsCJCzUwMC.hMIbQb1jylLs.")


Beautifies the code in the active editor and opens the result in a new one.

The following languages are supported:

  • CSS
  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • JSON
  • XML

$buff(val, enc?)

Converts a value to a Buffer, if needed.

$buff('Hello, TM!', 'utf8')


Copies a value to clipboard or returns the current (text) value, if no argument is defined.


$cmd(id, ...args)

Executes a Visual Studio Code command.


$cmyk(cOrHex, m?, y?, k?)

Converts CMYK color from or to hex.

$cmyk(167, 255, 4)

$code(val, lang?)

Handles a value as string to display it in a webview with syntax highlight.

$code("const TM = \'1979-09-05\';\\n\\nalert(TM);", "javascript")


Compiles the code in the active editor and opens the result in a new one.

The following languages are supported:

  • CoffeeScript
  • LESS
  • Pug


Handles data as string in CSV format and displays them.

$csv( $GET('') )

$DELETE(url, body?, headers?)

Starts a HTTP DELETE request.



Returns a list of emojis, by using an optional filter.



Handles data as Excel workbook and displays its data.



Executes the code in the currently running editor.



Returns a full path.


$GET(url, headers?)

Starts a HTTP GET request.



Generates a GUID.


$hash(algo, val, asBlob?)

Hashes a value.

$hash("sha1", "TM+MK")

$hsl(hOrHex, s?, l?)

Converts HSL color from or to hex.

$hsl(1, 2, 3)


Handles a value as string, and decodes the HTML entities.

$htmldec("5979 > 23979")


Handles a value as string, and encodes the HTML entities.



Handles a value as image (or image url) and displays it.

$img( "" )


Handles a value as string and inserts it into the selected text (or cursor) of the currently opened text editor.

$insert( $uuid )

$ip(version6?, timeout?)

Tries to detect the public IP address.



Tries to detect the public IP address (version 4).



Tries to detect the public IP address (version 6).


$load(uri, headers?)

Loads data from an URI.



Handles data as string and trims from leading whitespaces.

$ltrim('  TM + MK   ')


Handles data as string and converts to lower case characters.

$lower('tm + MK')


Handles geo locations and displays markers on a map.

$map([50.782131, 6.047182], [50.775635, 6.132818])
$map({ lat: 50.782131, lng: 6.047182 }, { lat: 50.775635, lng: 6.132818 })
$map({ lat: 51.782131, lng: 7.047182 }, [51.775635, 7.132818], "ik}tH{a|c@pg@gvO")


Handles a value as Markdown string.

$md("# Header 1\\n\\nHello, TM!")

$md5(val, asBlob?)

Hashes a value with MD5.



Returns the current time with an optional timezone.


$PATCH(url, body?, headers?)

Starts a HTTP PATCH request.



Converts from and to polyline.


$POST(url, body?, headers?)

Starts a HTTP POST request.


$PUT(url, body?, headers?)

Starts a HTTP PUT request.


$pwd(length?, allowedChars?)

Generates a password.



Extended require() function, which also allows to access the modules of that extension.


$read(file, enc?)

Reads data from a file. Relative paths will be mapped to the directory of the currently opened editor or the .vscode-powertools sub folder inside the user's home directory.


$rgb(rOrHex, g?, b?)

Converts RGB color from or to hex.

$rgb(5, 9, 79)

$res(val, mapper?)

Resolves a value.

$res( Promise.resolve("TM"), s => s.toLowerCase() )


Handles data as string and trims from ending whitespaces.

$rtrim('  TM + MK   ')

$sha1(val, asBlob?)

Hashes a value with SHA-1.


$sha256(val, asBlob?)

Hashes a value with SHA-256.


$sha384(val, asBlob?)

Hashes a value with SHA-384.


$sha512(val, asBlob?)

Hashes a value with SHA-512.


$str(val, enc?)

Returns a value or object as string that is NOT (null) and NOT (undefined).

$str(5979 + 23979)


Opens a value as text in a new editor tab.



Handles data as string and trims from leading and ending whitespaces.

$trim('  TM + MK   ')


Uglifies the code in the active editor and opens the result in a new one.

The following languages are supported:

  • CoffeeScript
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • JSON
  • LESS
  • XML

$unwrap(val, maxLevel?, level?)

Unwraps a value from being a function.

$unwrap(() => 5979)


Handles data as string and converts to upper case characters.

$upper('tm + MK')


Returns the current time in UTC.



Alias for $guid.


$write(file, data, enc?)

Writes data to a file. Relative paths will be mapped to the directory of the currently opened editor or the .vscode-powertools sub folder inside the user's home directory.

$write("myFile.txt", "Data to write. Can be a string, stream or buffer")


Handles a value as YAML string and returns it as object.

$yaml( $load("") )


Name Description Example
_ lodash _.isString(5979)
$fs fs-extra $fs.existsSync("/path/to/something")
$h helpers $h.normalizeString("TM+MK")
$m Moment.js $m()
$o opn $o("")
$vs Visual Studio Code API $vs.commands.getCommands

Key bindings

If you would like to define key bindings for quick access, you can use the following command:

Name Description
ego.power-tools.codeExecution Opens the input box for executing JavaScript code.

Generate TypeScript Code

Generates TypeScript code from JSON/JavaScript, TOML, XML/XSL or YAML (this command is only available, if you have an active, opened JSON/JavaScript, TOML, XML/XSL or YAML editor).


Keep in mind: JavaScript code will be executed and NOT parsed as JSON documents!

Send To

Sends the file of the currently, active editor to a destination.

Currently supported are:

Key bindings

If you would like to define key bindings for quick access, you can use the following command:

Name Description
ego.power-tools.sendTo Opens the list of sub commands for send the current file to a destination.

TCP proxies

Manages TCP proxies.


Key bindings

If you would like to define key bindings for quick access, you can use the following command:

Name Description
ego.power-tools.tcpProxies Opens the list of sub commands for handling TCP proxies.
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