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Mark Friedrich edited this page Jul 20, 2018 · 2 revisions
    • SERVER - Specifies which of the following configuration blocks will be used. (DEVELOP or PRODUCTION)
    • BASE - Set the base path to your index.php. Leave it blank means "auto detect" which should be fine for most installations. In case you want to install it in a sub-dir (e.g. https://www.[YOUR_DOMAIN]/pathfinder) set this path to /pathfinder
    • URL - Set our URL (without a trailing slash).
    • DEBUG - Set the level of debugging (0/1/2 or 3) (This is used for logging [/logs] and specifies the backtrace depth)
    • DB_PF_DNS, DB_PF_NAME, DB_PF_USER, DB_PF_PASS - Set your database credentials (pathfinder database)
    • DB_UNIVERSE_DNS, DB_UNIVERSE_NAME, DB_UNIVERSE_USER, DB_UNIVERSE_PASS - Set your database credentials (eve_universe database)
    • SMTP_* - Set SMTP (E-Mail) server settings. [optional]
Set SSO credentials. Check out the SSO and ESI page.
  • CCP_SSO_URL - Base (root) SSO url
  • CCP_SSO_CLIENT_ID - Your "Client ID"
  • CCP_SSO_SECRET_KEY - Your "Secret Key"
Set ESI configuration. Check out the SSO and ESI page. [NO CHANGES REQUIRED]
  • CCP_ESI_URL - Base (root) ESI url: (Swagger UI)
  • CCP_ESI_DATASOURCE - tranquility or singularity
  • CCP_ESI_SCOPES - requested ESI scopes (comma separated)
  • CCP_ESI_SCOPES_ADMIN - requested additional scopes for corporation admins (/admin SSO)

    • SHOW_SETUP_WARNING show warning on login page if /setup route exists. Do not hide this warning unless /setup route is protected by e.g. WebAuth or .htaccess.
    • COOKIE_EXPIRE - expire age (in days) for login cookies. read more
    • CHARACTER - Character whitelist. Comma separated string of character ids. (empty = "no restriction")
    • CORPORATION - Corporation whitelist. Comma separated string of corporation ids. (empty = "no restriction")
    • ALLIANCE - Alliance whitelist. Comma separated string of alliance ids. (empty = "no restriction")
    • LIFETIME - expire time (in days) until a map type will be deleted (by cronjob)

Hint: All the other settings should be fine and may only be changed if you know what you do!