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Plugin API

Mark Friedrich edited this page Feb 1, 2020 · 3 revisions

Module "Life-cycle":

Plugin life-cycle

state plugin handler expected return value trigger
1. render render(mapId,data) root HTMLElement for this instance system/connection becomes active (e.g. clicked by user)
2. init init() void root HTMLElement append to DOM and CSS transition completed
3. update update(data) new Promise() instance,
that becomes resolved by the plugin instance after module was updated (useful for async plugin updates)
- Current system/connection data has changed
- OR triggered after map data was synced (Ajax long polling)
4. hide beforeHide() void before module becomes hidden by CSS transition
5. destroy beforeDestroy() void after module is hidden, before module´s root HTMLElement gets removed from DOM


define([                // dependencies for this module
    'module/base',      // abstract `parent` module class definition [required]
    'app/render'        // ... for demo purpose, we load a Render helper object
], (BaseModule, Render) => {
    'use strict';

     * EmptyModule class
     * -> skeleton for custom module plugins
     * @type {EmptyModule}
    let EmptyModule = class EmptyModule extends BaseModule {
        constructor(config = {}) {
            super(Object.assign({},, config));

         * initial module render method
         * -> implementation is enforced by BaseModule
         * -> must return a single node element
         * @param mapId
         * @param systemData
         * @returns {HTMLElement}
        render(mapId, systemData){
            this._systemData = systemData;

            // ... append your custom module body
            let bodyEl = Object.assign(document.createElement('div'), {
                className: this._config.bodyClassName


            return this.moduleElement;

         * init module



        onSortableEvent(name, e){
            super.onSortableEvent(name, e);

    EmptyModule.isPlugin = true;                            // module is defined as 'plugin'
    EmptyModule.scope = 'system';                           // module scope controls how module gets updated and what type of data is injected
    EmptyModule.sortArea = 'a';                             // default sortable area
    EmptyModule.position = 15;                              // default sort/order position within sortable area
    EmptyModule.label = 'Empty';                            // static module label (e.g. description)

    EmptyModule.defaultConfig = {
        className: 'pf-system-empty-module',                // class for module
        sortTargetAreas: ['a', 'b', 'c'],                   // sortable areas where module can be dragged into
        headline: 'Empty Module',

    return EmptyModule;

extends BaseModule():


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