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Corlynne edited this page May 15, 2019 · 1 revision

Element Zero is a not-for-profit next generation payment network based on an algorithmic stablecoin creation platform. Element Zero is designed with the hope of making the world better for all, by providing a new form of payment that is protected against long-term inflation and eliminates the possibility for any volatility in the first place.

Element Zero, created by Jointer, Inc. a blockchain startup based in Silicon Valley, CA emerged from Jointer’s need to provide its users a solution for stable, decentralized cryptocurrency payments. After in-depth reviews of existing stablecoins, Jointer concluded that none of the current stablecoins in the market were truly decentralized or 100% stable. Another factor identified during due diligence was that none of the stablecoins combat inflation, something needed in order to protect long-term purchasing power.

Early in the development of its proprietary stablecoin and in partnership with Nobel Prize winners and world-class experts, Jointer realized how many industry and everyday problems Jointer's new stablecoin could solve and how wrong it would be to limit this solution exclusively to Jointer. What started as a specific payment solution for Jointer soon expanded into a global solution. Against this backdrop, Jointer decided to establish Element Zero as an independent and autonomous entity that will hold all the stablecoin rights and will belong to the public as a not-for-profit organization.

To ensure the future of Element Zero and keep it from any form of manipulation, such as greedy third-parties, or even governments, Element Zero was incorporated as non-stock membership. This means it will not distribute any profits to shareholders (there are none) and keep 100% of the revenue in the organization’s reserve to support the liquidity of all Element Zero stablecoins. The control over Element Zero will be shared with all stablecoin users in such a way that every essential decision will require agreement by consensus.

Element Zero is launching the EZO coin, the Element Zero branded stablecoin but since Element Zero is a turn-key stablecoin platform, it’s true strength is determined by the partner organizations; be they companies, providers or even governments, as they leverage the Element Zero Network supported by the stability and liquidity protocols to create and launch their own stablecoins using a different name, symbol and their own custom features.