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Element Zero Roadmap

Corlynne edited this page May 15, 2019 · 1 revision

2018 Q2

  • Design, Document & Test Element Zero Stability Protocol
  • Design, Document & Test Element Zero Liquidity Protocol
  • Payment Network Design
  • Design and document Element Zero Arbitration Protocol
  • Design and document Escrow Protocol

2018 Q3

  • Add Business Operations role
  • Identify top tier advisory board members Research and assess regulatory requirements
  • First draft of Element Zero White Paper

2018 Q4

  • Continued regulatory research and assessment
  • Add Marketing, Operations, Community Manager and Business Development roles
  • Identify more top tier advisors
  • Design high-level turn-key platform White Paper V1 completed
  • Activate system development team Begin blockchain development
  • PR Launch of project

2019 Q1

  • Finalized Legal Regulation & Tax structure and documents
  • Continued blockchain development Launch V1 of website
  • Launch Pre-signup/referral networking Launch Pre-signup reserve stablecoin symbol
  • Release stablecoin Test Net demo
  • PR Launch for Ambassador Program PR Launch for stablecoin Test Net

2019 Q2

  • Continued blockchain development
  • PR for vendors pre-signup
  • Release CartBox wallet Test Net demo Launch Pre-Sale - 6 months (open to Reg D 506 (c) & Reg S only)

2019 Q3

  • PR & Speaking Events
  • Launch EZ as a public company (S1) Register security tokens as blue sky and SEC in all 50 US States
  • Code auditing
  • Security test and audit

2019 Q4

  • Launch STO – 365 days (open to everyone including non- accredited investors)

The Story Behind Why Element Zero is Giving Back to World

Element Zero’s founder, Jude G. Regev, grew up in Israel in a middle-class family where no matter how hard his parents worked, they seemed to barely survive their financial responsibilities. For decades, they woke up every morning to yet another day of survival, paying their taxes, following the rules, and trying to stay optimistic about the future. They continually had hope that something would change for them.

But life moved on so fast that without noticing it, they became too old and the optimism they had in their youth disappeared. They had to face a cold reality that much of the rest of the world already knew, that even with all their hard work a middle-class family they could never keep up with the increasing costs of living. And the ability to find a job or keep working faded until it completely disappeared. From that point on, they feared the last thing every decent person would want, they became dependent on government programs and, even harder, dependent on their own kids to survive.

Jude saw this unfold and will never forget how his parents refused financial support from their kids, although he and his siblings wanted to help. They were determined and believed that after all their years of work, at least few support from the government would arrive, keeping them independent and proud. But time and again, the optimism they had in the system was crushed. Forced to beg for government’s help, the system turned hard on them and treated them like insurance companies treat their clients when they submit a claim, hoping they will give up first due to the misery of bureaucracy.

These events broke his parents’ spirits, and it did not take long until their bodies responded with high stress and health issues.

Jude and his siblings still support his parents today, but no matter how much money they give them, nothing can give them back their self-respect or their shattered optimism. On reflection, for Jude’s parents, as a middle-class family, it was always a lost cause, a race against time losing to the inevitability of inflation. This is the same race many other families around the world are losing to every day.

After Jude realized there is a high chance Element Zero stablecoins may become a powerful worldwide currency, he immediately understood that no matter how much Element Zero could be worth, it can never be controlled by a small group of rich people or few governments. It must be a not-for-profit organization and it must belong to the citizens of the world, all in the hope that it will help reduce the financial stresses for other families and individuals, while helping those in need by channeling net profits to non-profit organizations dedicated to social good.