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Ap.Muthu edited this page Oct 12, 2013 · 2 revisions

All information regarding the sql scripts used for install/update of db schema


Any change to the database design must be done in a couple of places so that everything works all OK for the users


The following files need to be updated when a database change needs to be propagated - add / modify / delete tables, indexes, fields, keys, etc.

  • .include/sql_patches.php
    • Add a new patch to the sql patches file - this file gets run when the users is upgrading from a previous version. SI checks what patches have been run when it opens and prompts the user to run the required patches if it finds any not run as yet
    • Below is an example sql patch
  $patch['249']['name'] = "Make Simple Invoices faster - add index";
  $patch['249']['patch'] = "ALTER TABLE `".TB_PREFIX."invoices` ADD INDEX(`biller_id`) ;";
  $patch['249']['date'] = "20100419";   
  • databases/json/sample_data.json
  • databases/json/essential_data.json
  • databases/mysql/Full_Simple_Invoices.sql
  • This is normally generated phpMyAdmin once the database is all up to date
    • databases/mysql/structure.sql
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