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Matt West edited this page Oct 27, 2012 · 1 revision
  1. summary Recognised Simple Invoices service providers.

Table of Contents

Market Place

The Simple Invoices Market Place enables you to easily find a Simple Invoices service provider.

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Smarter Invoices - The Simple Invoices 'hosting' company

Got issues installing and configuring Simple Invoices? Don't have a publicly available web-server. No worries. Smarter Invoices can help you out!

Smarter Invoices provides various hosting services for Simple Invoices specifically aimed at freelancers and micro-business.

Similar to, Smarter Invoices was started by Justin Kelly, the founder and still one of the current developers of Simple Invoices with the aim is to provide services to enhance your Simple Invoices experience.


SixHQ - The Simple Invoices 'eXtensions' company

SixHQ = Simple Invoices eXtended

SixHQ was started by Justin Kelly, the founder and still one of the current developers of Simple Invoices.

The aim of SixHQ is to provide services to enhance your Simple Invoices experience. This ranges from custom Simple Invoices development and modification to support.

    • Available Simple Invoices services**
  * [ Simple Invoices hosting]
  * [ Modifications]
  * [ Custom Reports]
  * [ Support]
  * [ Installation]
    • Other services**
  * [ Freelance web development]

If you have any queries about how SixHQ can help you please don't hesitate to drop me a line ( [email protected] ).

Whatever your Simple Invoices needs are we can sort it out.


    • Available Simple Invoices services**
  * Installation
  * Hosting
  * Technical support
  * Invoice template customisation
  * Custom reports
  * Bespoke extensions development


    • Available Simple Invoices services**
  * Hosting
  * Technical support


    • Available Simple Invoices services**
  * Installation
  * Hosting
  * Technical support
  * Invoice template customisation
  * Custom reports

Open Sussex

    • Available Simple Invoices services**
  * Installation
  * Hosting

Host Sphere

    • Available Simple Invoices services**
  * Simple Invoices is available via their 1 click installers


    • Available Simple Invoices services**
  * Simple Invoices hosting


    • Available Simple Invoices Services **
  * Installation
  * Hosting
  * Technical support
  * Invoice template customisation


    • Available Simple Invoices Services **
  * [ Hosting]

Why a Market Place?

Though the Simple Invoices Forums rock and provide the level of support that most people will need, it became clear that some members of the Simple Invoices community required a level of support that was not practical under the normal open source/community model

What also became evident was a need to provide a clear path for development of extensions or modifications and other services for Simple Invoices for specific people on a for $ basis

The main aim of the Market Place is to create an ecosystem around Simple Invoices where for $ work can be done without interfering with the natural open-source development and support of Simple Invoices

For more on why the Market Place was started refer:

How to join

If you would like your company listed here as a Simple Invoices service provider please contact Matt ([email protected]).

If you have any queries about the Market Place feel free to post on the forum

Note: the requirements to get listed on the Market Place are:

  * Have a dedicated Simple Invoices page on your website - which is linked from your front page
  * Have links back to and include our logo

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