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Installing Vlasiator

Markus Battarbee edited this page Jun 5, 2024 · 40 revisions

Installing Vlasiator is easy and straightforward!

These steps should be taken:

  • Install libraries
  • Clone Vlasiator with submodule support
  • Make new makefile for your machine in MAKE folder
  • Compile!

Here are some general steps.

1. Install libraries

Vlasiator needs a number of libraries:

The following libraries are handled via git submodules (nb. clone/pull instructions for submodules below), you do not need to install these separately:

And also a number of optional but useful libraries:

On debian-based system (such as ubuntu and cubbli), some of the dependencies are provided as packages, installable via apt-get install libboost-dev libboost-program-options-dev libopenmpi-dev

use of the boost-latest ppa ( ppa is recommended on Ubuntu.

See detailed library installation instructions at the end of this page.

2. Clone Vlasiator

We are transferring to use git submodules for the dependent libraries. So far, some of the header libraries have been moved to this framework, and some need to be installed manually (see above).

Use the --recurse-submodules when cloning, pulling, or checking out branches.

git clone --recurse-submodules
git checkout <branch> --recurse-submodules
git submodule update --init --recursive

Information on submodules is available e.g. at with some additional wise words of the pitfalls of submodules below:

So trying with a fresh clone with no --recurse-submodules, this gets the correct vlasiator-version target for dccrg:

git checkout dev git pull origin dev --recurse-submodules

This works as well

git checkout dev --recurse-submodules git submodule update --init --recursive

This does not fetch the correct submodule commits:

git checkout dev

This does not fetch submodules by itself:

git checkout dev --recurse-submodules

but it needs then

git submodule update --init --recursive


git checkout dev git submodule update --init --recursive

is bad, since that will get the default master branch tip as the submodule commits and then updates the submodules to those ones.

But then, if you start with

git clone --recurse-submodules

you can do

git checkout dev git submodule update --init --recursive

3. Make new makefile

The main makefile is in the vlasiator main folder. There should be no need to modify that. All settings are in a separate machine specific file that is in the MAKE folder, where compiler names, compiler flags and library locations are set. In the MAKE folder there are several examples from various machines. The file name is Makefile.machine_name, where machine_name is whatever you want to call your machine. It is best to start from a makefile that is similar to the machine you are compiling on. The Makefile.home corresponds to a Linux computer with all libraries in ${HOME}/lib and ${HOME}/include.

4. Compile!

After one has created the makefile, one should set an environment variable with the name of your machine, matching the name used for the MAKE/Makefile.machine_name file. For example, to use the home makefile one can set it like this:

export VLASIATOR_ARCH=home

To make the environment variable one can put it into the initialization files for your shell, e.g. .profile.

The one can simply

make clean
make -j 12

to make vlasiator, or

make clean 
make -j 12 tools

to make the tools.

Detailed installation instructions for Libraries (downloaded and built)


Boost ( provides Vlasiator (and DCCRG) with some datastructures that are not in the pre C++11 standard. We also use the program options module for reading cfg parameters (with some wrapper functions).

Debian-based systems

On debian-based system (such as ubuntu and cubbli) boost is installable via apt-get install libboost-dev libboost-program-options-dev Use of the boost-latest ppa ( ppa is reccomended on ubuntu.

Cray XC platform

One can use the Trillinos module:

module load cray-trilinos

And add to Makefile.your-arch:

INC_BOOST = -L$(CRAY_TRILINOS_PREFIX_DIR)/lib -lboost_program_options

Other platforms

On other platforms you can follow the instructions on DCCRG's wiki.( Boost is mostly a header library, so we only need to compile the program options module.


tar xf boost_1_72_0.tar.bz2
cd boost_1_72_0
./ --with-libraries=program_options
echo "using mpi ;" >> ./tools/build/src/user-config.jam
./b2 --prefix=<path> install
cd ..
rm -r boost_1_72_0

Note that it detects gcc (too) efficiently at least on Mahti, so you might need to add --with-toolset=intel-linux to the bootstrap command.


This library is used for load balancing.

Generic installation (add prefix path and replace cc and CC with the correct MPI wrappers):

git clone [email protected]:sandialabs/Zoltan.git
mkdir zoltan-build
cd zoltan-build
../Zoltan/configure --prefix=<path> --enable-mpi --with-gnumake --with-id-type=ullong CC=cc CXX=CC
make -j 8
make install


As for boost, we can use the cray-trilinos module.

module load cray-trilinos

Define in Makefile.your-arch:



On taito (CSC), use the curie instructions but do change the installation folder to $USERAPPL. Sample installation with gcc (change the version numbers to relevant ones):

module swap intel gcc
mkdir zoltan-build  
cd zoltan-build
sed -i -e 's@typedef long ssize_t;@//typedef long ssize_t;@' ../Zoltan_v3.8/src/driver/dr_compress_const.h
export CC=mpicc  
export CXX=mpicxx  
export FC=mpif90  
export CFLAGS="-std=c99"  
export CXXFLAGS="-std=c++0x"
../Zoltan_v3.8/configure --prefix=$USERAPPL/libraries/RELEVANT_PATH --enable-mpi --with-mpi-compilers --with-gnumake --with-id-type=ullong
make -j 8
make install

Note (Puhti and later): the sed and exports might not be needed. Make sure to unset the flags or it might mess up the compilation of other libraries down the list.


You can follow the installation instructions on DCCRG's wiki (


Clone the latest version from:

Used for runtime performance tracking.

In the src folder there is a simple Makefile. Edit that to support you machine and make.- The library will then be in the phiprof include and lib folders.


Download from

This is the file format/io library.

Installation instructions:

  • Create a Makefile.machine_name file based on the existing ones
  • Change ARCH at the top of the Makefile to you new Makefile.ARCH
  • make

VLSV plugin for VisIt

  • Install VisIt or use a pre-installed version for the machine you target.
  • Ask around if someone has the plugin compiled already on that machine. If yes, copy their $HOME/.visit/<version>/<arch>/plugins/databases/*Vlsv* into the same path in your home directory.

If you want/have to build yourself:

  • Build VLSV as above first.
  • Then cd visit-plugin.
  • Edit vlsv.xml so that it points to your vlsv directory where you just built vlsv. You can use xmledit for that, which you can find in the visit installation directory in the bin for the version and architecture you are using, e.g. $HOME/visit/3.0.2/linux-x86_64/bin/`.
  • Locate xml2cmake in the same location, and run that xml2cmake -clobber vlsv.xml.
  • Run cmake CMakeLists.txt.
  • Run make to build and install, make -j 4 makes it faster but it won't work well with a lot more than 4.

Note: As of Nov. 2020 it will complain about a VTK API function. You can checkout the version from until this is merged, or you can comment out the offending lines when building.

  • NB for the pending update version, CXXFLAGS in vlsv.xml are also updated with -DNEW_VTK_API replaced with -DVTK_API=81 (corresponds to VTK API for Mahti VisIt, 3.1). For fresh VisIt versions, the included flag should be good.


Download from

Papi is optional, and only needed if CXXFLAGS += -DPAPI_MEM is defined in the makefile. It can provide information on the actual memory usage of Vlasiator. Most of the time papi is pre-installed on supercomputers and clusters and can often be loaded with module load papi.

If not, it can most of the time be compiled with the typical method:

git clone
cd papi/src
./configure --prefix=${HOME}/libraries/papi
make install


Download from

jemalloc ( is an optional replacement for the normal malloc/free routines. It is optimized for minimizing memory fragmentation, and it can be of tremendous importance and is strongly recommended, see #25

Current testing indicates that jemalloc should be compiled with support for transparent huge pages disabled. To perform this, add the flag --disable-thp during configuration.

To compile one would typically do something like this (replace prefix path with the correct one, and update version if there is a newer one)

wget -O
tar xf jemalloc-5.3.0.tar.bz2
cd jemalloc-5.3.0
./configure --prefix=${HOME}/libraries/jemalloc --with-jemalloc-prefix=je_
make install


Umpire ( is a resource management library that allows the discovery, provision, and management of memory on machines with multiple memory devices like NUMA and GPUs.

Download from or use git clone --recursive If you did not clone recursively, ensure submodules are present with git submodule init && git submodule update. Make sure that you have your required compile environment set up and the correct modules loaded. Enter the build directory:

$ mkdir build && cd build

Sample build commands for different systems include (the CMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES flag is optional):


CMake will provide output about which compiler is being used. Once CMake has completed, Umpire can be built and installed to the target directory with Make:

$ make -j 10
$ make install

Detailed installation instructions for Libraries (included via submodules)


DCCRG is a pure header library so one needs to fetch it and make sure it is included (see Makefile.your-arch). The recommended way to get DCCRG is via the submodule system. Manual cloning is possible with

git clone [email protected]:fmihpc/dccrg.git


Further instructions can also be found in dccrg wiki: Currently Vlasiator uses not the master branch of DCCRG, instead the vlasiator-version branch. This is also handled by submodules.


The Vectorclass library is managed via submodules. We use this to vectorize Vlasov propagation with SSE2/AVX. It is a header library so the header files only need to be placed in a include folder.

Manual downloading of the Vectorclass library is available at: Watch out: version 2 of this library uses advanced metaprogramming tricks that may not sit well with compilers in common HPC environments. If you run into issues, you can try version 1 from here: Additionally, vector3d.h needs to be copied from a now separate repo:

git clone [email protected]:vectorclass/add-on.git
cp add-on/vector3d/vector3d.h <PATH TO VECTORCLASS>

into the directory where the remaining vector class headers are lying.


Included via submodules. Manual download possible from

This is the mesh library for cartesian domain decomposition of the fieldsolver. It is a header-only library, requiring no compilation or configuration.


Included via submodules. Manual download possible from Hashinator is the GPU branch library for heterogeneous CPU-GPU hash maps and vectors. It is a header-only library, requiring no compilation or configuration.


Included via submodules. Manual download possible from or It is a header-only library, requiring no compilation or configuration.

tar -xvf eigen-3.4.0.tar.gz
cp -r eigen-3.4.0/Eigen $HOME/libraries/eigen

NOTE: Eigen 3.3.8 has an "'eigen_assert_exception' is not a member of 'Eigen'" bug during compilation. Do not use this specific version.


OpenMPI 4 IO bug

This issue is handled now from the code by setting the flag automatically. This note is for reference only. We have noticed on several platforms that the VLSV output files are broken when using OpenMPI 4. If this seems to happen to you too (files unreadable/garbled), add the following flag to your job script at runtime:

export OMPI_MCA_io=^ompio

Old machine-specific details