You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 40
Vlasiator Vorna
The login host, turso.cs.helsinki.fi
, is only available inside the university network. To access it from the outside, you need to go via a jump host. To make matters easy, you can add a block like this to your ~/.ssh/config
(create the file if it does not exist yet):
Host vorna
ProxyJump login.physics.helsinki.fi
Hostname turso.cs.helsinki.fi
User <universityUsername>
Remember to use ssh-copy-id <user>@<host>
to copy your ssh-key to a target machine, enabling passwordless logins. The ProxyJump is the easiest way to pass through one or more jump hosts, but for a fully passwordless login, ssh-key needs to be copied for each proxy host.
As of September 2021 following the new setup deployment started on turso03, the following applies.
Building should be done in an interactive session. That is obtained using
/usr/bin/srun -M vorna --interactive -n 16 --mem=4G -p short -t 0:10:0 --pty bash
and you can modify the core count, memory, partition and wall time to suit your needs.
You should use the MAKE/Makefile/vorna_gcc
Makefile and load the modules as suggested in there, i.e.
export VLASIATOR_ARCH=vorna_gcc
module purge
module load GCC/10.2.0
module load OpenMPI/4.0.5-GCC-10.2.0
It is suggested to place these commands in your ~/.bashrc
file (if you want) and job scripts (definitely!). The intel makefile and others that may be in the repo are not recommended at the moment and can cause all sorts of problems.
NOTE: Do not load other modules like Python on top of this or your loaded module system can change due to dependencies!
If you get messages of the module command not being supported, add the following to your ~/.bashrc
if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
. /etc/bashrc
IMPORTANT: Place your executables/binaries in $PROJ
) or a subdirectory of that. Some applications SEGFAULT if binary is striped over multiple OST's. Alternatively, you can create a stripe=1 directory:
mkdir $WRKDIR/bindir
lfs setstripe -c 1 $WRKDIR/bindir
However, $PROJ
is a better place for the binary. Run your jobs in $WRKDIR
), not in $PROJ
When the job has started, check the slurm output. If you see an error message about not being able to allocate disk space (0B available), cancel the job (scancel JOBID
) and re-submit. a wait
command was added to the jobscript to attempt to mitigate this LUSTRE quota reporting error.
Here is an example job script
#SBATCH --time=0-00:10:00
#SBATCH --job-name=Vlas_jobname
#SBATCH --partition=test
##test short medium long 20min 1d 3d 7d
#SBATCH --exclusive
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH -c 8 # CPU cores per task
#SBATCH -n 4 # number of tasks (4xnodes)
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=4
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=1200M # memory per core
#Vorna has 2 x 8 cores
module purge
module load GCCcore/10.2.0
module load OpenMPI/4.0.5-GCC-10.2.0
umask 007
#---------------------DO NOT TOUCH-----------------------------------
##threads per job (equal to -c == SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK)
#Change PBS parameters above + the ones here
total_units=$(echo $nodes $cores_per_node $ht | gawk '{print $1*$2*$3}')
units_per_node=$(echo $cores_per_node $ht | gawk '{print $1*$2}')
tasks=$(echo $total_units $t | gawk '{print $1/$2}')
tasks_per_node=$(echo $units_per_node $t | gawk '{print $1/$2}')
srun --mpi=pmix_v2 -n 1 -N 1 $executable --version
srun --mpi=pmix_v2 -n $tasks -N $nodes $executable --run_config=$configfile
It is also possible to do debugging by logging into nodes where Vlasiator is running. Some of these commands may prove helpful:
srun -M ukko --overlap --pty --jobid=$SLURM_JOBID bash
srun --jobid=$SLURM_JOBID --nodelist=node_name -N1 --pty /bin/bash
You can pass -w to select multiple nodes, as in
srun --overlap --pty --jobid=$SLURM_JOBID -w $( squeue --jobs $SLURM_JOBID -o "%N" | tail -n 1 )
Zoltan and Boost need to be built for GCC. For other required libraries, follow the standard Vlasiator install instructions. This building has already been done and users should be able to directly use the libraries found in /proj/groups/spacephysics
. These instructions are in case they need to be rebuilt for some reason.
First download and unpack the source code
wget http://cs.sandia.gov/Zoltan/Zoltan_Distributions/zoltan_distrib_v3.83.tar.gz
wget http://freefr.dl.sourceforge.net/project/boost/boost/1.69.0/boost_1_69_0.tar.bz2
tar xvf zoltan_distrib_v3.83.tar.gz 2> /dev/null
tar xvf boost_1_69_0.tar.bz2
Make and install
mkdir zoltan-build
cd zoltan-build
../Zoltan_v3.83/configure --prefix=/proj/group/spacephysics/libraries/gcc/8.3.0/zoltan/ --enable-mpi --with-mpi-compilers --with-gnumake --with-id-type=ullong
make -j 8
make install
Clean up
cd ..
rm -rf zoltan-build Zoltan_v3.83
Make and install
cd boost_1_69_0
echo "using gcc : 8.3.0 : mpicxx ;" >> ./tools/build/src/user-config.jam
echo "using mpi : mpicxx ;" >> ./tools/build/src/user-config.jam
./b2 -j 8
./b2 --prefix=/proj/group/spacephysics/libraries/gcc/8.3.0/boost/ install
Clean up
cd ..
rm -rf boost_1_69_0
To request a GPU from a gpu node, run e.g.
/usr/bin/srun --interactive -n1 -c8 --mem=4G -t00:15:00 -Mukko --constraint=v100 -pgpu --pty bash
This requests 1 node with 8 CPU cores, 4GB of memory, and 1 V100 GPU, from the GPU partition on Ukko, for 15 minutes. You can alternatively request A100 and P100 GPUs on this partition. Detailed partition information here.
For basic compiling and running CUDA applications you need to load a CUDA module (citation needed), for instance with the following commands:
module purge
module load GCC/10.2.0
module load CUDA/11.1.1-GCC-10.2.0
This loads GCC version 10.2.0 and CUDA version 11.1.1 for GCC 10.2.0.
Two versions of HIP have been built for Ukko, v4.5 and v5.2. These can be used by running
module use /proj/group/spacephysics/modules/hip
module load hip-[4.5|5.2]
This module will load all prerequisite modules needed by HIP and set the correct environment variables for compilation. To compile, run
hipcc $(HIP_IFLAGS) <rest of the compiler options and filenames>
environment variable contains the flag -I
and the path to the HIP header files.