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Scripts and Plugins for WikidPad
How to install: Put the source file into "user_extensions/PluginName.py" in the WikidPad directory and restart WikidPad.
Please put new plugins here, because if a plugin is new is much more relevant as a sort criterium than its name.
- BetterFootNotes: get footnotes also if the "footnotes as wiki words"-option is set
- Vi Keybindings : http://xkjq.org/wikidpad/ To activate them, go to the settings of WikidPad into the "Advanced" section.
- CopyPageName : Copies the name of the current page to the clipboard.
- AttributeBrowser: A simple tool for browsing attributes.
- Highlighter : Source code syntax highlighting https://github.com/mvyskoc/WikidPad-Highlighter
- SimpleStatusBar: A very simple tool for creating status bars
AddToBlacklist: Add words to the wiki blacklist with a single keystroke.
Anchorify: Select any text, press Ctrl-Shift-Z and it will be surrounded with HTML tags.
AutoEval: Automatically evals the page when opened if marked with autoeval property.
BloggerExtension: The Blogger extends the Wikidpad personal wiki to allow creating a simple daily blog entry.
CalendarControl: The Calendar Control plug-in provides blog-like date navigation for wikidPad wikis.
CoDiFy: Put the selected text in HTML
Colorizer: Colorize text selection via font tags in different colors
CsvToTableIns: Inserts a delimited data file as a table
CmdLineIns: Insertion script to execute commandline command and insert output from command
DateFormat : a sample date format used to automatically log my entries.
EditExtensions : Add some edit functionality to Wikidpad
EmacsStyleKeybindings: Emacs-style keyboard shortcuts for editing.
Edit Extensions Revamp: A slimmer popup-menu revamp of the [EditExtensions] plugin
FileFindIns: Insertion script to insert links to files or images on disk
FormatTable: A simple script that allows quick formating of tables within Wikidpad
GrepSearch; Enables searching wikiPad data using grep from within Wikidpad
Groff: Use Groff to render equations, diagrams and text as images.
ImdbPlugin: automatically maintain a list of top 250 IMDB movies you haven't seen
ImportTomboy : Allows WikidPad to import notes from TomBoy.
InsertSymbols2: Pop-up window to insert user-defined symbols in Wikidpad editor
LaTex: Renders math with Latex and dvipng, not tested on Windows
LilyPond: Renders musical fragments using lilypond.
MathJaxPlugin: Latex rendering via MathJax
NextAndPreviousHeading: Moves cursor to next or previous heading
NextFootnote : Inserts the next footnote number at the cursors position and at the bottom of the current wiki word
OneLevelUp: Moves up one level in the subpages hierarchy
OrgFileExporter: Exports wiki in emacs org-mode file format (http://orgmode.org)
PasteHTML: Add the ability to paste formated text directly into Wikidpad
PrettyCode : Syntax highlighting for many languages using Pygments. Done by user sweinst2000
Pic2Plot: Renders PIC graphic language images
Rasterizer: display vector image files in HTML preview
ReversedHeadings: Plugin reverses size of headings so + is smallest
SimpleSpoilers: Adds minimal javascript to exported wikis that make portions of a page hidden until a button is pressed.
SubpageCreate: Press CTRL-ALT-S to insert a link to a subpage of the current page.
TagView: a plugin along with a few other functions for using the tag metaphor from within WikidPad
ToggleFold: Toggle folding with the keyboard
UrlifyFile: Select a path, press CTRL-U and it will turn into a clickable URL.
WikidMap: A simple mindmap for WikidPad.
WordCountInsertion: Inserts the count of the words on the page
Plugins for WikidPad Developers
- ReloadMenuPlugins: Reloads all plugins. For debugging for plugin developers.
- ListPublicMembers: Lists all public members of WikidPad's objects wiki and editor
- ListPublicMembersInsertion: An insertion plugin lists public member (like ListPublicMembers) and allows customization of which members or sub-members are listed.
- PageAstView: Views the abstract syntax tree (AST) of a page. Helpful for creating/modifying wiki syntax
- OverlayParser: Demo wiki language parser that doesn't need update each time the default parser changes
- WikidPadGlobals - the place to customize WikidPad, e.g. the keyboard, extensions or Wiki-syntax.
- CategoryIndex snippet
- AbreviationPage snippet
- Dynamic search results: search results and surrounding text inserted in Preview using [:dynsearch: keywords...]
- http://www.fsavard.com/flow/wikidpad-dynamic-search-results/
- Next Action : dynamically generated 'Next Actions' and 'Waiting For' pages using keywords todo and wait. see GettingThingsDone
- SortedTodos : uses the basic mechanism used in the above script to generate a dynamic list of todos, buts sorts them into user-defined categories
- SortedProperties: a little WikidPadHook that will list a variety of properties
- LogTask: appends a new "track.log.YEAR.MONTH.DAY.WIKIPAGE: ()" under the "Log" header section.
- Christian Ziemski's Todo thingy, with lots of explanations and screenshots: http://www.ziemski.net/wikidpad/todo_extension.html
- SetupAutoSection : creates a area for generated content if it doesnt as yet exist on a page - then clears it and inserts the cursor within the section. can be used by all scripts that need to put a load of output somewhere on a wikipage.
ChangeHeadingLevel: Scripts which will increase/decrease the level of the headings in the selection.
IsWikiWord : how to determine if a string is a wikiword
MakeWikiWord : replaces the selected word with its equivalent wrapped in brackets.
UrlToLink : Converts urls dragged to the editor like !file://.../name.txt to [url |name]
- OutlookLink: VBA macros for Outlook that generate Outlook:... style links to individual email messages. These can be pasted in WikidPad pages as clickable links.
You should know this page: WikiSyntax
- Reversed heading syntax "++" is a minor heading, "+++" is major a heading and so forth
- Implement CREOLE http://www.wikicreole.org/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creole_(markup)
- Scripts for updating online public wikis from your wikidpad.
- Scripts for VisualizingTheWiki - view/browse the graph of your wiki - was thinking about something like ConnectedText's Navigator : http://www.connectedtext.com/screenshots2.html
- Versioned Wiki (Mercurial, SVN, git?)
- plug-in for inkscape [http://www.inkscape.org] so you can swiftly create some drawings while making your notes
- Allow pasting of pictures into WikidPad (on paste action - picture in clipboard should be saved under random name in 'storage' folder, and then link to it should be inserted at current cursor location) [ this is very useful for screenshot pastes ] <- NOTE: made (somewhat) possible in latest 1.9 Beta versions...
- Do not autolink WikiWords (i.e. option to use [forced links] only) <- NOTE: Made possible by setting 'camelCaseWordsEnabled: false' attribute...
Source: http://trac.wikidpad2.webfactional.com/wiki/ListOfUserScripts