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Christian Ziemski edited this page Mar 7, 2016 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the WikidPad Wiki

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WikidPad is a wiki-like notebook for storing your thoughts, ideas, todo lists, contacts, or anything else you can think of to write down.

What makes WikidPad different from other notepad applications is the ease with which you can cross-link your information. Links in a wiki are created by typing in WikiWords. A WikiWord is mixed case word. TodoList or JohnDoe are example WikiWords.

Real-time wiki

WikidPad is not a web server, or application server, or groupware solution. WikidPad is a standalone notepad like application.

A development environment for your thoughts

Software developers have grown accustomed to certain features from their editing environment that make their jobs easier. Features like auto-completion, outline views, incremental search, easy source code navigation. IDE's that provide these features can greatly increase developer productivity. WikidPad attempts to utilize some of these features to address the problem of personal information management.

Personal Information Management

How do you manage all of the random bits of information in your personal and professional life? Where do you track your wife's favorite food, your bosses kids names, your personal todo list, the name of the movie you just read a review of, the name of the book a friend recommended. WikidPad was created to address this issue of personal information management. It provides a place to manage the massive amounts of information you have stuffed in your head, on stickies, or on your computer.

Quick Start Don't let WikidPad's many features confuse you: First stick with the following basics. They are simple. The main tree in WikidPad does not work like an outliner. If it confuses you, turn it off for now, you will understand it later. For now see WikidPad as a collection of text files. If you want to write something down about some topic, press Ctrl+O (O like "open"), type the name of the topic and press enter. Now write down your notes. If you want to see your notes on a topic, press Ctrl+O and type what you are looking for. You can insert links from one topic to another by putting the name of a topic in square brackets, like [My software].

WikidPad Starting Points

WikidPad Documentation

WikidPad Downloads


WikidPad is unicode-based and so is capable to fluently deal with national languages, e. g. cyrillic-based.

Bugs and Feature Requests

How Are People Using WikidPad

Developer Starting Points

Trac Starting Points

For a complete list of local wiki pages, see the TitleIndex.

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