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Stefan Kasberger edited this page Jun 27, 2020 · 17 revisions



  • Make next level in Python programming and structurally improve the repo: Read and apply the 2 Python books.
  • Stabilize existing functionality
  • Add features which are requested and/or with high impact.
  • Learn from others and implement existing functionalities / code

Big Ideas

  • Microservice: Test and vallidate data submissions
  • Microservice: Test prepared data before data access on Dataverse and preservation
  • Microservice: Alternatives Frontend: Daten via pyDataverse von Instanz holen und anders aufbereiten.


Possible activities

  • Write paper about pyDataverse
  • Collect and share information about usage of module: screenshots, stories, use-cases.
  • Code-Sprint / Hackathon
  • Present: Conferences, other CESSDA Service Providers
  • Webinar
  • GUI
  • Database Connectors: SQLAlchemy, OAI-PMH
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