No Man's Model Viewer is an application developed to preview No Man's Sky 3D assets. It also supports animation playback and also a custom proc-gen procedure which tries to emulate the game's behavior during the procedural asset creation process. Experimental features allow the live editing of MBIN files.
- Preview of .SCENE.MBIN files
- Support for Diffuse/Normal/Mask (roughness/metallic/ao) maps
- Support for animation playback on both skinned and static models, via parsing of the corresponding entity files
- Optimized renderer to support the rendering of very large scenes and increased framerates (well as much as .NET allows...)
- Basic implementation of a PBR shader pipeline that tries to emulate game shaders in an effort to preview assets as close to the game as possible (so close yet so far...)
- Procedural texture generation that tries to emulate NMS's texture missing process of procedural assets
- Procedural model generation (broken for a while, repair pending)
- Basic scenegraph editing (scenenode translation/rotation/scaling)
- Interface with libMbin to allow for a much more robust asset import and export directly to MBIN/EXML file format.
- Interface with libPSARC to allow for direct browsing of PAK contents including mods (No need to unpack game files to browse through the models)
- Please use the issue tracker to report any issues or any features/suggestions you may have.
- monkeyman192 main maintainer of libMBIN
- Fuzzy-Logik main maintainer of libPSARC
- IanM32 for the amazing logo
- Send me an email at [email protected]