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Releases: hartwigmedical/hmftools

sage v3.4 release candidate 1

03 Jan 19:57
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  • sync overlapping fragments on by default
  • sync overlapping fragments logic: favor longer INDELs for CIGAR mismatch, forms consensus no matter how many bases are mismatching, ignore 3’ side of overlap where insert size < read length
  • VCF writes AMQ (average map qual), ANM (average events per read) and MED (max edged distance)
  • soft-filter average map qual for ref vs alt reads if different > 15
  • average base qual filter lowered from 28 to 25
  • new modMAPQ logic supports calling low mapq regions (default behaviour unchanged)
  • added read strand bias filter
  • added maxEdgeDistance filter
  • AF filter can pass with lower AF if p-value condition met
  • new deduplication logic for INDELs logic handles 1:M deduplication

Targeted panel mode, enabled with config 'high_depth_mode':

  • ignore all reads with AD<30
  • ignore all soft clip support
  • added jitter AF filter
  • BQR ignores overlapping bases


  • fragment strand bias calculated incorrectly

HTML Visualisations added for variants:

  • creates a HTML for a subset of variants based on config. Shows read context and fragment support
  • config 'vis_variants' to specify variants to produce visualisations, format: 'chromosome:position:ref:alt' separated by ';'. Will only run sage for +/- 200 base region around specified variants.
  • config 'vis_pass_only' to generate files for passing variants, must be called with 'specific_regions'
  • config 'vis_output_dir' default 'vis' if not specified


  • sync_fragments removed since now on by default. Use 'no_fragment_sync' to disable.
  • output -> output_vcf

pave v1.6 release candidate 1

03 Jan 00:20
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  • keep splice effect for any phased variants
  • HGVS coding for dups now shift position to duplicated bases
  • handle phased missense and synonymous protein impacts
  • phasing check for SNV/MNV overlap with inframe INDEL separately from frameshift count 2+
  • favour protein duplications over inserts when considering realignment
  • use stop-gained in HGVS protein instead of frameshift if has both


  • check ref codon bases are valid in phasing routine, could cause crash if variant was at very end of exon with open reading frame
  • fixed ref codon addition for overlaps in phasing logic


  • exit on thead error
  • multi-threaded


  • threads (default 1)
  • removed gnomad_load_chr_on_demand

cobalt v1.16 release candidate 1

03 Jan 20:40
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  • add referenceGcContent and tumorGcContent outputs
  • use mean read depths instead of read counts, and change GC normalisation to use median instead of interpolated median

wisp v1.1 release candidate 1

03 Jan 00:16
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  • improved copy number plots
  • somatic VAF ratio peak plots
  • probe selection second pass with lower limits
  • probe selection with lower GC and fragment limits, using raw AF and allow no Linx directories


  • handle synthetic tumor variants, ie purity estimation without tumor pipeline Purple results
  • annotate with probe variants and handle batch control samples if available


  • gc_ratio_min now required (set 0 for WGS, 0.4 for targeted-panel)

pave v1.5.1

21 Dec 05:26
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HGVS coding for duplications now uses duplicated base positions instead of variant position

patient-db v5.34 rc1

21 Dec 04:16
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patient-db v5.34 rc1 Pre-release

Preliminary release of v5.34

teal v1.2.1

18 Dec 22:37
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Minor update:

  • fix backward compatibility issue with cobalt gc median file

purple v4.0 rc1

18 Dec 22:05
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purple v4.0 rc1 Pre-release


  • don’t fit short arms on 13,14,15,21,22
  • Mask IG/TCR regions in fit
  • Mask regions <2MB from centromere in fit
  • Where ambiguous (low purity), BAF is now fit to minimise major allele CN
  • chromosome X CN amplifications are called at 1.5x ploidy for males
  • don’t smooth large germline deletions in diploid normalisation logic
  • fit in 0.5% intervals for purity <20% and lower min to 7%
  • write list of reportable transcripts to somatic VCF when alt-transcripts (eg CDKN2A) exist for a driver gene
  • add LOH percent to QC output file


  • allow extra sample IDs in VCF and any order
  • throw exception and exit on charting error


  • ploidy was not calculated accurately in somatic mode


  • only show diploid regions in input.png
  • tumor is always in blue in input.png


  • add deviation penalty adjustment for GC ratio (config: gc_ratio_exponent, deviation_penalty_gc_min_adjust)
  • set targeted panel default values:
    -ploidy_penalty_standard_deviation 0.10
    -ploidy_penalty_min 0.20
    -ploidy_penalty_sub_one_major_allele_multiplier 3.00
    -deviation_penalty_gc_min_adjust 0.25
    -gc_ratio_exponent 3.0
    -min_diploid_tumor_ratio_count 3
    -min_diploid_tumor_ratio_count_centromere 3

gripss v2.4.rc1

18 Dec 22:09
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gripss v2.4.rc1 Pre-release


  • handle Gridss VCF with sample IDs in reversed order


  • added panel soft filters: qual-per-AD and modified AF
  • set panel config by default if in target regions mode
    -hard_min_tumor_qual 200
    -min_qual_break_point 1000
    -min_qual_break_end 1000
    -qual_per_ad 30
    -modified_af 0.03
    -modified_af_hotspot 0.005

teal v1.2.0

19 Nov 22:19
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  • Update to match cobalt v1.16+.
  • Use mean read depth and gc50 read depth instead of read count per 1000 bases window.
  • removed reference / tumor mean_reads_per_kb and gc50_reads_per_kb command line arguments in standalone mode.
  • added reference / tumor mean_read_depth and gc50_read_depth command line arguments in standalone mode.