GPI2.jl is a lightweight Julia wrapper for the GASPI-conforming GPI-2 library.
If you have not yet installed Julia, please follow the instructions for your operating system. GPI2.jl works with Julia v1.7. Since GPI-2 only works on Linux systems, GPI2.jl is also restricted to this platform.
GPI2.jl is a registered package. Thus to install it in your default environment, execute the following command:
julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("GPI2.jl")'
Alternatively, you can also just clone this repository and then instantiate it, i.e., installing all dependencies:
git clone
julia --project=GPI2.jl -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()'
If you decide to use the latter approach with a cloned GPI2.jl
directory, in
the following, you need to add --project=path/to/GPI2.jl
to the julia
command, e.g.,
julia --project=. -e 'using GPI2; ...'
if you are starting Julia from within the GPI2.jl
You can start running GASPI functions after executing using GPI2
functions are prefixed by gaspi_
. For example, to check the version of the
currently used GPI-2 library, start the Julia REPL and paste the following
julia> using GPI2
julia> version = Ref{Cfloat}()
julia> gaspi_version(version)
GASPI_SUCCESS::gaspi_return_t = 0
julia> println("GPI-2 library version: $(version[])")
GPI-2 library version: 1.51
To run a GPI-2 program in parallel, you need to start it with the helper script
. It requires a machinefile with the names of the nodes on which a
rank should be started, see also the GPI-2 docs.
For a simple test, you can create a machinefile that will start three ranks on
the current node by running
yes `hostname` | head -n 3 > machinefile
For convenience, GPI2.jl provides the function gaspi_run()
will start gaspi_run
for you, using the GPI2_jll.jl-provided executable. GPI2.jl also
provides some example files in the examples/ folder you can check
out to get started.
For example, to run the hello_world.jl
example in
parallel, execute the following commands from the GPI2.jl directory:
julia -e 'using GPI2; gaspi_run()' -- -m machinefile $(which julia) $(pwd)/examples/hello_world.jl
You need julia
twice in the command: The first one just executes the gaspi_run
command, while the second one is the command that is executed in parallel.
You also need the $(pwd)
to ensure that gaspi_run
picks the right
If you want to start a parallel process using GPI-2's gaspi_run
on a cluster
where paths are set using the module
command provided by, e.g., Lmod, there are
some issues you need to handle in order to make a GASPI program run properly.
They boil down to the fact that, as far as I can tell, GPI-2 uses SSH to set up
communication between nodes and uses a non-login shell for this purpose. This
means that, e.g., the module
command will not work and thus you need to
manually put all relevant changes to the environment variables directly in your
As a workaround, this repository provides two auxiliary utilities:
and launcher.jl
. They
help you to run a GPI-2-powered Julia program on a cluster with an environment
modules setup by storing the entire environment and reloading it.
First, go to the folder from which you want to start your GASPI-parallelized Julia program
and execute the storeenv.jl
julia path/to/storeenv.jl
The storeenv.jl
script will record the current environment variables and store
them in a file gaspi-jl-env.toml
Then, run your Julia program in parallel with the launcher.jl
script using the
following command:
julia -e 'using GPI2; gaspi_run()' -- -m <machinefile> $(which julia) /abs/path/to/launcher.jl $(pwd)/gaspi-jl-env.toml path/to/julia/program.jl
The <machinefile>
is the normal machinefile with all nodes on which to start a
GASPI rank. The /abs/path/to/launcher.jl
must be an absolute path again. The
launcher script will take care of recreating the environment using the
information in the TOML file $(pwd)/gaspi-jl-env.toml
. Finally, you can
provide the path to the Julia programm (and optional command line arguments to
it) as the final part. The path to the Julia program may be relative or
absolute, since the launcher knows your current directory by now.
When using GPI2.jl, you can specify the path to the GASPI library you want to use. By default, GPI2.jl uses the precompiled GPI-2 library available in the GPI2_jll.jl package. This is only recommended for non-performance critical usage and/or development. To switch to a library installed on your system, execute
julia -e 'using GPI2; GPI2.use_system_library("path/to/")'
where path/to/
should be the path to your shared GPI-2 library.
To switch back to using the JLL-provided library, execute
julia -e 'using GPI2; GPI2.use_jll_library()'
After switching the library, you need to restart Julia for the changes to take effect.
In case you are using a system-provided GPI-2 library with an API that is different
to the one provided by the JLL-provided library, you need to re-generate the
C bindings file LibGPI2.jl
and tell the GPI2.jl package to use it.
To this end, enter the bindings/
directory and run the following command:
julia --project=. -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()' # only required once
GPI_INCLUDE_DIR=path/to/GPI-2/include julia --project=. generator.jl
This will create a LibGPI2.jl
file in the current working directory. To switch
to the custom bindings file, execute
julia -e 'using GPI2; GPI2.use_system_bindings("path/to/LibGPI2.jl")'
where path/to/
should be the path to your custom C bindings file.
To switch back to using the JLL-compatible library, execute
julia -e 'using GPI2; GPI2.use_jll_bindings()'
After switching the C bindings, you need to restart Julia for the changes to take effect.
GPI2.jl is maintained by Michael Schlottke-Lakemper (University of Augsburg, Germany). The GPI-2 library itself is developed by the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics (ITWM).
GPI2.jl is published under the MIT license (see We are very happy to accept contributions from everyone, preferably in the form of a PR. GPI-2 itself is published under the GNU General Public license, version 3.