Releases: hydra-genetics/snv_indels
Releases · hydra-genetics/snv_indels
hydra-genetics v1.1.0
- Add option to merge af for complex variants (b8129c3)
- New rule to handle af from complex variants (b881c57)
Bug Fixes
- Added noqa-tag on import to pass pycodestyle (b88b397)
- Fixed snakefmt linting error (e9ae6b8)
- Handling of invalid input parameter (223785c)
- KeyError handling and additional unittest (1604d9c)
- pycodestyle-fix (9a5cee6)
- Removed deprecated Mambaforge added Miniforge (629e1b5)
- Removed non used format- and info-keys (3186f38)
- Rulegraph as png (a7e6b48)
- Update config/config.yaml (1c2cacf)
- Update to Miniforge3 (b21d8f1)
- Updated rulegraph with merge_af_complex_var. (2419bff)
- Use apptainer instead of singularity (fcfa01f)
hydra-genetics v1.0.0
hydra-genetics v0.6.0
- fix_af: add deepvariant (08489b8)
Bug Fixes
- sort shouldn't require a tbi file (bee2ec0)
- update schema with correct key value for gatk_mutect2_filter (1f147fb)
- add file used to build docs at readthedocs (0710507)
- added all remaining rules (4992b47)
- added description of rule graph generation (f077c95)
- added documentation for rules up to gatk (bb81083)
- added rule graph (c5b04bb)
- fix table in (1d62e06)
- include bugfixed rule (1199c11)
- update docs (f2da493)
- update mkdocs plugin version (decd144)
- update plugin version (8c2eee8)
- update plugin version (ae5291c)
- update simplified rulegraph for readthedocs (3e1d751)
hydra-genetics v0.5.0
hydra-genetics v0.4.0
hydra-genetics v0.3.0
- make config.yaml location more flexible (d0a5296)
- make configfile/confgilefiles argument mandatory (a860631)
- update snakemake-version (3d5ed33)
Bug Fixes
- added multiallelic variants to mutect2_pass_filter (94d1a42)
- make sure tabulate version is under 0.9.0 (9bb1fbe)
- set strict mode for conda (47a7581)
hydra-genetics v0.2.0
- added mutect2 filtering rule (6a831f2)
- added mutect2 filtering schemas (0e09f6d)
- added rule for hard filtering of mutect2 (983f889)
- update wrapper version (669460f)
Bug Fixes
- adapted tests after new rulenames (6f51241)
- added temp on output (1b9c950)
- bugfixes (25ad129)
- bugfixes and testing (fd71a2c)
- correct singularity (2867d9d)
- update compatibility config-file (79d76e6)
- update config, mutect2 to gatk_mutect2 (883b579)
- update path, mutect2_gvcf to gatk_mutect2_gvcf (111cd4e)
- wrong parameter name (3630413)
hydra-genetics v0.1.1
- update README to include haplotypecaller (14e1367)
hydra-genetics v0.1.0
- add compatibility test against alignment module." (7237bf0)
- add conventional-prs workflow (ceba918)
- Add logging, refactor and fix some bugs (8c5c09f)
- add pull-request template (14250d1)
- add resources to rules. (d1a0efd)
- Add tabix indexing rule. Also adapted merg_vcf to take indexed vcf as input. (a27cb03)
- added annotate rule (601c698)
- Added decompose, normalize and sort of vcf files (69a14b7)
- added release-please workflow (8e171e1)
- Added rule ensemble_vcf (bcbio recall). Also made sort_vcf more general. (4d6464c)
- Match rules to standard, optimize, add functions (c3185f9)
- moved rule: filter_vcf_on_format move to filtering module (ebd1f41)
- moved rule: filter_vcf_on_format move to filtering module (3e3207e)
- mutect2 rule (202e7c2)
- new rule bed_split. Changed reference and bam files (cf9dcd7)
- New rule bgzip for vcf-files (3ab1abd)
- New rule merge vcf (0f275ba)
- New rule mutect2_gvcf that generates a gvcf instead of vcf (0e1abcc)
- New rule: fixAF (bdd4efd)
- New rule: merge_gvcf (cf250cd)
- New vardict rule (517129f)
- Remove snver, fix error message (0ed6b16)
- Rule for filtering of vcf files. Also added env for conda. (1566924)
- update version of common container (52b7b6b)
- Use barcode as part of units index and set wildcard constr (d52c2cd)
- Use g.vcf extension for gvcf files (eacc3a3)
Bug Fixes
- Added bam-index as input to vardict (4c6d72b)
- change run column name to flowcell in units. (5385f22)
- Downgrade conda package versions to avoid crash (061365a)
- fixed bam location based on alignment prep-release (d08edb3)
- lock singularity to version that works with our images from dockerhub (5115f39)
- Vardict skips reads with mapq 0. Also, correct columns in bed file as default (72be218)