hydra-genetics v0.6.0
- fix_af: add deepvariant (08489b8)
Bug Fixes
- sort shouldn't require a tbi file (bee2ec0)
- update schema with correct key value for gatk_mutect2_filter (1f147fb)
- add file used to build docs at readthedocs (0710507)
- added all remaining rules (4992b47)
- added description of rule graph generation (f077c95)
- added documentation for rules up to gatk (bb81083)
- added rule graph (c5b04bb)
- fix table in intro.md (1d62e06)
- include bugfixed rule (1199c11)
- update docs (f2da493)
- update mkdocs plugin version (decd144)
- update plugin version (8c2eee8)
- update plugin version (ae5291c)
- update simplified rulegraph for readthedocs (3e1d751)