The motherboard of the echomods
- The motherboard for the modules
- Setup? Have a look at the quick start guide
- Latest version: V2.0
- date: 04/06/2017
- technology: pcb
- language: kicad
- cost:5$
- sourcing:Anywhere for stripboard. Or PCB from OSHPark if you can order by 3. Or straight from Tindie.
- author: Kelu124
- Power supply
- Signal =)
Getting a motherboard: that's fitting all the modules in an easy way, with an easy access to all tracks. See this for the Kicad files.
- Half of a A4 sheet .. that's the target!
- Maybe can introduce noise.
A time-reversed storyline for the motherboard =)
With the OSHPark PCB, coming from the brief.
As in mind
Now with the actual modules
- PCB on OSHPark
- Having the list of strips accessible
- Design
- Change the viewme
- Assemble it
- Test it
- Adapt power supply from v2 - smaller board footprint
- Add a level shifter been Pon 3.3 and 5 and Poff 3.3 and 5
- A bit more space around the Pi0/PiW headers
- Proper silkscreening around the Pi0 headers (they are reversed)
- Jumper for the ADC in.. and selector (enveloppe and amplified signal) (either to Feather or to ADC .. and dedicated pin on Rpi)
- SPI from RPi to Oled... or SPI to screen (to be checked in both case) .. or both kept, there are two SPI
- Kelu124
The echOmods project and its prototypes (amongst which we find the doj module) are open hardware, and working with open-hardware components.
Licensed under TAPR Open Hardware License (
Copyright Kelu124 ([email protected]) 2015-2018
The following work is base on a previous TAPR project, Murgen - and respects its TAPR license.
Copyright Kelu124 ([email protected]) 2015-2018