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thc202 edited this page Aug 17, 2019 · 7 revisions

ZAP 2.8.0 API

Component: script

Name Type Parameters Description
listEngines view Lists the script engines available
listTypes view Lists the script types available.
listScripts view Lists the scripts available, with its engine, name, description, type and error state.
globalVar view varKey* Gets the value of the global variable with the given key. Returns an API error (DOES_NOT_EXIST) if no value was previously set.
globalVars view Gets all the global variables (key/value pairs).
scriptVar view scriptName* varKey* Gets the value of the variable with the given key for the given script. Returns an API error (DOES_NOT_EXIST) if no script with the given name exists or if no value was previously set.
scriptVars view scriptName* Gets all the variables (key/value pairs) of the given script. Returns an API error (DOES_NOT_EXIST) if no script with the given name exists.
enable action scriptName* Enables the script with the given name
disable action scriptName* Disables the script with the given name
load action scriptName* scriptType* scriptEngine* fileName* scriptDescription charset Loads a script into ZAP from the given local file, with the given name, type and engine, optionally with a description, and a charset name to read the script (the charset name is required if the script is not in UTF-8, for example, in ISO-8859-1).
remove action scriptName* Removes the script with the given name
runStandAloneScript action scriptName* Runs the stand alone script with the given name
clearGlobalVar action varKey* Clears the global variable with the given key.
clearGlobalVars action Clears the global variables.
clearScriptVar action scriptName* varKey* Clears the variable with the given key of the given script. Returns an API error (DOES_NOT_EXIST) if no script with the given name exists.
clearScriptVars action scriptName* Clears the variables of the given script. Returns an API error (DOES_NOT_EXIST) if no script with the given name exists.
setScriptVar action scriptName* varKey* varValue Sets the value of the variable with the given key of the given script. Returns an API error (DOES_NOT_EXIST) if no script with the given name exists.
setGlobalVar action varKey* varValue Sets the value of the global variable with the given key.

Starred parameters are mandatory

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