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First Time Setup Guide for the Dongle

Martin edited this page Jun 28, 2018 · 3 revisions

Setup instructions

After compiling and flashing the binary on the ESP8266's flash, here are the first time setup steps.

Console Debug

The running Jarolift Dongle does some debug output on the serial console. Serial Console Speed is 115200 Bit/s


The configuration of the Jarolift Dongle is stored in the EEPROM memory of the ESP8266. On first initialisation, when no configuration is found, it is initialized with some default values and the Dongle turns on the Admin-Mode.

In Admin-Mode, the blue LED on the ESP sub-module is turned on and the Dongle creates an WLAN-Access-Point with the SSID Jarolift-Dongle, protected with the WPA-Passwort 12345678. Now you have 180 seconds (3 minutes) time to connect to the WLAN Accesspoint and visit the Web-UI on the webserver

Admin-Mode quits after the 180 second timeout or when you restart the Dongle from the configuration webserver.

If you need the Admin-Mode later, just press the "Reset" button on the NodeMCU module two times within 10 seconds. This double-reset will be detected and the Dongle enters Admin-Mode again, showing this with the blue LED turned on.


The Web User Interface has four sections, selectable through the green bar at the top:

  • Home: Welcome and explanation screen
  • System: System Setup and configuration settings
  • Shutter: Screen to learn, name the channels and operate the shutters
  • Log: Shows the device log

As we use the dongle for the first time, we do the network setup first. Go to the System Menu.

Network settings

First, configure the network settings:

  • WLAN SSID, Password
  • IP Parameters: DHCP or fixed IP + Gateway

Press "save" and let the dongle do a restart, then connect again with the web browser.

  • Note 1: After restart, when the blue LED on the module is off, the dongle is not any more in Admin-Mode. You have to figure out which IP address it got from the DHCP server, which is probably different from
  • Note 2: If you cannot connect after the first restart, please take note of the known "reset" issue. The ESP module fails to do a self-triggered restart (reboot) after flashing. This is a hardware issue on some ESP modules, just power-cycle it.
Jarolift specific settings

First and important config values are the master key values for the keeloq protocol. The key is divided into a upper part (MSB = Most significant bits) and lower part (LSB = Least significant bits) and must be written as 8-digit hexadecimal number, starting with "0x". Example: 0x8abb6787

Second: choose a serial number prefix. Every jarolift sender has a (unique) serial number, which is recorded by the receivers during the learn operation. So our jarolift dongle needs 16 serial numbers for the 16 channel he can operate. The serial number prefix is the start value for the serial number generation. If you are doing a first-time setup, enter a random 6-digit hexadecimal number. Mark "save prefix and generate channel serial numbers" and press save. The dongle intializes all serial numbers and sets the dongle's device counter to "1".

MQTT configuration

Fill the MQTT configuration fields. Authorization with Username+Passwort is optional. Important: the MQTT Client ID must be unique (from the MQTT server's view). This should be automatically achieved with a default value "JaroliftDongle-" and the ESP ID in hex appended. Note that this is not guaranteed to be unique, if you experience quick repeating disconnect/connect actions with the MQTT server, a non unique client id may be one cause. If you have more than one Jarolift Dongle in your network, you most probably want each of them having a unique device topic, too.

Learn your receivers

see separate Wiki page