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LevelX2 edited this page Jan 7, 2017 · 1 revision

Release 1.4.20v0 (2017-01-08)


  • Added complete set Aether Revolt.
  • Allow appending from the clipboard in deck editor to an existing deck.


  • Added logic to remove control effects that refer to permanents of a player that leaves the game.
  • Fixed that selecting no target players let fizzle the spell (e.g. Wheel and Deal).
  • Fixed a problem that selecting cards in hand or libraray could unintended trigger "becomes the target of a spell or ability" abilities.
  • Fixed a problem that Dwarven Recruiter, Goblin Recruiter or Scouting Trek searched for the wrong subtype.
  • Fixed that special actions (e.g. delve mana payment) were handled correctly if a player plays a turn for another player.
  • Fixed a problem that Emblems created by permanents where its owner left the game caused errors in clients. Some handling cganges of emblems.
  • Fixed a problem of AI target handling (e.g. for Precursor Golem)


  • Debt to the Deathless - Fixed that it wrongly did damage to opponents instead of life loss.
  • Eye of the Storm - Fixed possible endless loop.
  • Gilded Drake - Fixed possible null pointer exception.
  • Hardened Scales - Fixed that the counter was only added if at least one counter was added originally.
  • Manifold Insights - Fixed possible endless loop.
  • Marionette Master and Mortis Dogs, fixed that power below 0 caused life gain.
  • Pia's Revolution - Fixed that it wrongly triggered for artifacts from other players.
  • Recuperate - Fixed that now gains life for the spell controller works as it should.
  • Sacred Ground - Fixed that the Sacred Ground effect did also move the land if it was removed from graveyard since the ability triggered.
  • Tel-Jilad Wolf - Fixed that the ability triggered for all creatures not only artifact creatures (fixed #2738).
  • Trasios, Triton Hero - Fixed that ability was not correctly putting reveled lands into play tapped.
  • Uncle Istvan - Fixed a bug that all damage instead of only damage from creatures was prevented.
  • Wild Pair - Fixed that it also triggered for creatures cast from opponents.
  • Wrexial, the Risen Deep - Fixed a problem that prevented selecting the card from graveyard.

Starwars (custom set):

  • Fulfill Contract - Fixed that the spell created an error.
  • Show of Dominance - Fixed a bug that toughness instead of power was used to select creature.

Added cards (202)

[Aegis Automaton]( Automaton)
[Aerial Modification]( Modification)
[Aeronaut Admiral]( Admiral)
[Aether Chaser]( Chaser)
[Aether Herder]( Herder)
[Aether Inspector]( Inspector)
[Aether Poisoner]( Poisoner)
[Aether Swooper]( Swooper)
[Aethergeode Miner]( Miner)
[Aethersphere Harvester]( Harvester)
[Aetherstream Leopard]( Leopard)
[Aethertide Whale]( Whale)
[Aetherwind Basker]( Basker)
[Aid From The Cowl]( From The Cowl)
[Airdrop Aeronauts]( Aeronauts)
[Ajanis Aid]( Aid)
[Ajanis Comrade]( Comrade)
[Alley Evasion]( Evasion)
[Alley Strangler]( Strangler)
[Audacious Infiltrator]( Infiltrator)
[Augmenting Automaton]( Automaton)
[Awe Strike]( Strike)
[Baral Chief Of Compliance]( Chief Of Compliance)
[Barals Expertise]( Expertise)
[Barricade Breaker]( Breaker)
[Bastion Enforcer]( Enforcer)
[Bastion Inventor]( Inventor)
[Battle At The Bridge]( At The Bridge)
[Call For Unity]( For Unity)
[Caught In The Brights]( In The Brights)
[Chandras Revolution]( Revolution)
[Cogwork Assembler]( Assembler)
[Consulate Dreadnought]( Dreadnought)
[Consulate Turret]( Turret)
[Countless Gears Renegade]( Gears Renegade)
[Crackdown Construct]( Construct)
[Cruel Finality]( Finality)
[Cyclopean Tomb]( Tomb)
[Daredevil Dragster]( Dragster)
[Daring Demolition]( Demolition)
[Dark Suspicions]( Suspicions)
[Dawnfeather Eagle]( Eagle)
[Deadeye Harpooner]( Harpooner)
[Deadly Designs]( Designs)
[Defiant Salvager]( Salvager)
[Deft Dismissal]( Dismissal)
[Destructive Tampering]( Tampering)
[Dispersal Technician]( Technician)
[Dralnus Crusade]( Crusade)
[Druid Of The Cowl]( Of The Cowl)
[Efficient Construction]( Construction)
[Embraal Gear Smasher]( Gear Smasher)
[Enraged Giant]( Giant)
[Exquisite Archangel]( Archangel)
[Fang Of The Pack]( Of The Pack)
[Fatal Push]( Push)
[Felidar Guardian]( Guardian)
[Fen Hauler]( Hauler)
[Filigree Crawler]( Crawler)
[Foundry Assembler]( Assembler)
[Foundry Hornet]( Hornet)
[Fourth Bridge Prowler]( Bridge Prowler)
[Freejam Regent]( Regent)
[Frontline Rebel]( Rebel)
[Ghirapur Osprey]( Osprey)
[Gifted Aetherborn]( Aetherborn)
[Glint Sleeve Siphoner]( Sleeve Siphoner)
[Gontis Aether Heart]( Aether Heart)
[Gontis Machinations]( Machinations)
[Greenbelt Rampager]( Rampager)
[Greenwheel Liberator]( Liberator)
[Gremlin Infestation]( Infestation)
[Hall Of Gemstone]( Of Gemstone)
[Harsh Judgment]( Judgment)
[Heart Of Kiran]( Of Kiran)
[Herald Of Anguish]( Of Anguish)
[Heroic Intervention]( Intervention)
[Hidden Herbalists]( Herbalists)
[Hidden Stockpile]( Stockpile)
[Highspire Infusion]( Infusion)
[Hinterland Drake]( Drake)
[Hope Of Ghirapur]( Of Ghirapur)
[Hungry Flames]( Flames)
[Ice Over]( Over)
[Illusionists Stratagem]( Stratagem)
[Implement Of Combustion]( Of Combustion)
[Implement Of Examination]( Of Examination)
[Implement Of Ferocity]( Of Ferocity)
[Implement Of Improvement]( Of Improvement)
[Implement Of Malice]( Of Malice)
[Indomitable Creativity]( Creativity)
[Inspiring Roar]( Roar)
[Inspiring Statuary]( Statuary)
[Invigorated Rampage]( Rampage)
[Ironclad Revolutionary]( Revolutionary)
[Irontread Crusher]( Crusher)
[Kari Zev Skyship Raider]( Zev Skyship Raider)
[Kari Zevs Expertise]( Zevs Expertise)
[Lathnu Sailback]( Sailback)
[Leave In The Dust]( In The Dust)
[Lifecraft Awakening]( Awakening)
[Lifecraft Cavalry]( Cavalry)
[Lifecrafters Bestiary]( Bestiary)
[Lifecrafters Gift]( Gift)
[Lightning Runner]( Runner)
[Maggot Therapy]( Therapy)
[Maulfist Revolutionary]( Revolutionary)
[Maverick Thopterist]( Thopterist)
[Mechanized Production]( Production)
[Merchants Dockhand]( Dockhand)
[Metallic Mimic]( Mimic)
[Metallic Rebuke]( Rebuke)
[Midnight Entourage]( Entourage)
[Mirror Universe]( Universe)
[Mobile Garrison]( Garrison)
[Monstrous Onslaught]( Onslaught)
[Narnam Renegade]( Renegade)
[Natural Obsolescence]( Obsolescence)
[Night Market Aeronaut]( Market Aeronaut)
[Night Market Guard]( Market Guard)
[Oath Of Ajani]( Of Ajani)
[Outland Boar]( Boar)
[Pacification Array]( Array)
[Paradox Engine]( Engine)
[Peacewalker Colossus]( Colossus)
[Peema Aether Seer]( Aether Seer)
[Pendrell Flux]( Flux)
[Pendulum Of Patterns]( Of Patterns)
[Perilous Predicament]( Predicament)
[Planar Bridge]( Bridge)
[Precise Strike]( Strike)
[Prizefighter Construct]( Construct)
[Quicksmith Rebel]( Rebel)
[Quicksmith Spy]( Spy)
[Rabid Wombat]( Wombat)
[Ramosian Rally]( Rally)
[Ravenous Intruder]( Intruder)
[Reckless Racer]( Racer)
[Release The Gremlins]( The Gremlins)
[Renegade Map]( Map)
[Renegade Rallier]( Rallier)
[Renegade Wheelsmith]( Wheelsmith)
[Renegades Getaway]( Getaway)
[Reservoir Walker]( Walker)
[Resourceful Return]( Return)
[Restoration Specialist]( Specialist)
[Reverse Engineer]( Engineer)
[Ridgescale Tusker]( Tusker)
[Rishkar Peema Renegade]( Peema Renegade)
[Rishkars Expertise]( Expertise)
[Rogue Refiner]( Refiner)
[Salvage Scuttler]( Scuttler)
[Scrap Trawler]( Trawler)
[Scrapper Champion]( Champion)
[Scrounging Bandar]( Bandar)
[Secret Salvage]( Salvage)
[Servo Schematic]( Schematic)
[Shielded Aether Thief]( Aether Thief)
[Shipwreck Moray]( Moray)
[Siege Modification]( Modification)
[Silkweaver Elite]( Elite)
[Skyship Plunderer]( Plunderer)
[Sly Requisitioner]( Requisitioner)
[Solemn Recruit]( Recruit)
[Soul Channeling]( Channeling)
[Spire Of Industry]( Of Industry)
[Spire Patrol]( Patrol)
[Sram Senior Edificer]( Senior Edificer)
[Srams Expertise]( Expertise)
[Standing Stones]( Stones)
[Stomp And Howl]( And Howl)
[Subterranean Shambler]( Shambler)
[Sweatworks Brawler]( Brawler)
[Take Into Custody]( Into Custody)
[Tezzeret The Schemer]( The Schemer)
[Tezzerets Betrayal]( Betrayal)
[Tezzerets Simulacrum]( Simulacrum)
[Tezzerets Touch]( Touch)
[Thopter Arrest]( Arrest)
[Tolarian Sentinel]( Sentinel)
[Treasure Keeper]( Keeper)
[Unbridled Growth]( Growth)
[Universal Solvent]( Solvent)
[Untethered Express]( Express)
[Vengeful Rebel]( Rebel)
[Verdant Automaton]( Automaton)
[Walking Ballista]( Ballista)
[Wall Of Putrid Flesh]( Of Putrid Flesh)
[Watchful Automaton]( Automaton)
[Welder Automaton]( Automaton)
[Weldfast Engineer]( Engineer)
[Whir Of Invention]( Of Invention)
[Wind Kin Raiders]( Kin Raiders)
[Winding Constrictor]( Constrictor)
[Yahenni Undying Partisan]( Undying Partisan)
[Yahennis Expertise]( Expertise)

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