modbus client with LCD HD44780, 6 x DS18B20, RS485, BMP180, ATmega328P, 2x relays
0-7 address values, 8-13 settings
for settings values - you need to use address +10 (for example, I need to change add num 12 to value 17, I need to send add 22 with value 17)
0-5 temperature sensors - DS18B20
6 - atmospheric pressure - BMP180 (relative or absolute)
7 - temperature from BMP180
8 - condition of thermostat1
9 - condition of thermostat2
10 - value -thermostat1 0-90°C
11 - value - thermostat2 0-90°C
12 - setting of delay between reading values 0-100 sec
13 - correction to sea level (relative press) 0-100 hPa