Releases: material-components/material-components-android
Dependency Updates:
- Updated to
- Removed
- Removed
- Java 7: This release compiles with Java 7, a revert from
which compiled with Java 8.
Library Updates:
- Date Pickers are now available for early access! (APIs are still subject to change)
- Badge:
- Add support for configuring badge gravity (0558a36)
- Bottom Navigation:
- Text Field:
- Java 7:
- Public API Cleanup (52ebd29, 5a20fb0, ec856cd, 949e644, bfcaf43, 7241e71, cb2ba97, 1876bc5, 896e432)
- Fix for SwipeDismissBehavior (b4c21e7)
Catalog Updates:
- Fix BottomNavigation demo crash on pre API 21 devices by enabling AppCompatDelegate#setCompatVectorFromResourcesEnabled (ca9d11d)
- In Bottom Navigation catalog demo, ensure that the badge on the first menu item is visible (195ca81)
- Add catalog demo for SwipeDismissBehavior (3e42b07)
- Update Tabs demo in catalog app to support configuring badge gravity (87f9e53)
- Update Catalog Button demo to use CoordinatorLayout, which enables Snackbar swipe to dismiss behavior (dc69263)
Full set of changes: 1.1.0-alpha08...1.1.0-alpha09
This release compiles with Java 8. We are planning for our 1.1.0-alpha09 to go back to compiling with Java 7. If you can't update your app to compile with Java 8, we recommend staying with 1.1.0-alpha07 until 1.1.0-alpha09 is available.
Dependency Updates:
- androidx.viewpager2:viewpager2:1.0.0-alpha05
- androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-runtime:2.0.0
- androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-compiler:2.0.0
- androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.1.0-rc01
- androidx.coordinatorlayout:coordinatorlayout:1.1.0-beta01
- androidx.core:core:1.1.0-rc02
- androidx.vectordrawable:vectordrawable:1.1.0-rc01
- Java 8
- Android Gradle Plugin (AGP) 3.3.2
- Gradle 4.10.1
- compileSdkVersion Q
Library Updates:
- Dark Theme updates:
- Badge API changes (ccc4890, b398023, b09336e, 63fed94, 6aab297)
- Chip: publicly expose ChipGroup#setSingleLine (6589e54), fix Chip getText doesn't work when setShouldDrawText is true (8c0f6f7), and support state_checkable (bee3793)
- Change ripples on MaterialButton and Chip to use the alphas provided in the ColorStateList. (1f4ea84, 36b760d, b857c79)
- MaterialButtonToggleGroup - Add uncheck(int id) API for unchecking single button to MaterialButtonToggleGroup (cda68ed)
- TextInputLayout: fixed passwordToggleEnabled="false" behavior (16a6e72), only make filled text field hint vertically centered if edit text's min lines is 1. (34e9ab2), accessibility improvements (2ec8717), adjustments to start/end icons (4130215, 15b721c), and animate clear button icon (b89a91c)
- Exposed Dropdown Menu: some accessibility and focus improvements (cb5430e) and animate dropdown icon (326dc8a)
- Added auto-inflated MaterialTextView which looks at the lineHeight set in the textAppearance. In order to disable this, set textAppearanceLineHeightEnabled = false in your theme. (12024f6, d7a9248)
- Fix FAB insets when anchored to BAB (c6c4ec4)
- Make BottomAppBar respect insets for Android Q Edge to Edge support (1aa7125)
- Delegate overscrollmode in navigation view to inflated MenuView (19aeb9b)
- Fix [MaterialCardView] checked icon sometimes takes up the entire card (59a4185)
- Change snackbar duration timeout (469c126)
- Update AppBarLayout lift on scroll finding of liftOnScrollTargetViewId to be based on nested scrolling view instead of Activity when possible (3b7e1b4)
- Add tooltip fallback to Bottom Navigation item titles (c045cca)
- Add neutral palette colors to Theme Overlays (591ba96)
- Added animator getter to MotionSpec that supports a non-view target (8e6cd13)
- Expose CircularRevealHelper.Delegate (d37303e) and ShapeAppearancePathProvider (1c5df57)
Full set of changes: 1.1.0-alpha07...1.1.0-alpha08
Library updates:
- Adding styling for ListPopupWindow along with dark theme support (0f7eaaa)
- TabLayoutMediator (95a93df)
- BadgeDrawble integration into TabLayout (5fdfd9d)
- Talkback support for badge + TabLayout (b247e00)
- DayNight Bridge Themes (daa3a04)
- Snackbar add support for changing text & background tint color at runtime (d7e994a)
- Add shaped selected item background to NavigationView and updated item background color (ab87dd5)
- Add API to set customization of expandedOffset in BottomSheetBehavior (e1222dd)
- Allow BottomSheet to settle to Half-expanded state on drag (3560a3a)
- TextField password toggle end icon automatically updates checked state (5f8f604)
- Remove CSL theme attribute workarounds (8f62228)
- MaterialAlertDialogBuilder to respect setCanceledOnTouchOutside (bc36b69)
Demo updates:
- Material Theme Builder (66e9c7f)
- Update Catalog dark theme demo toggle with system default (9f692ec)
- Exposed Dropdown Menu Demo updates (4e38a97, cc63b86)
- Add catalog choose “Light/Dark/System default” Theme to Theme Switcher (fde196d)
- BadgeDrawable integration into TabLayout demo (111cd00)
Full list of changes: 1.1.0-alpha06...1.1.0-alpha07
Dark Theme, exposed dropdown menu, badges, and more!
- Dark Theme Elevation Overlays support (7b72c17)
- AppBarLayout Dark Theme Elevation Overlays support, including animated overlay for Lift On Scroll (6d4ffa2)
- Update AppBarLayout and ActionBar to default to surface style in Dark Theme (5249f54)
- Update Tabs to default to surface style in Dark Theme (34a3a46)
- Update Bottom Navigation to default to surface style in Dark Theme (d5ab591)
- Implement new MaterialToolbar class that provides support for Dark Theme elevation overlays, if not using AppBarLayout (249e6f5)
- Add support for translationZ to MaterialShapeDrawable (1889b9f)
- Implement Shapeable interface in MaterialButton (d5bbc9c)
- Begin integrating BadgeDrawable into BottomNavigationView (00ffe5e)
- Update ExtendedFAB to support setting corner radius via shape appearance (163c0ed)
- Add support for end-aligned iconGravity in MaterialButton (c42eb1e)
- Exposed Dropdown Menu ( (c71b6cc)
- Add Dark Theme toggle to Catalog (cd24d3f)
Full list of changes: 1.1.0-alpha05...1.1.0-alpha06
- Add elevation overlays support for dark theme in BottomAppBar (d1b56c3), BottomNavigationView (d6cb349), Bottomsheet (a192f47), Chip (6ebcd64) Dialogs (19b6960), FloatingActionButton (3f43a2a), MaterialButton (5848f1f), MaterialCardView (1a1788a), Switch (f0c4e8b); demo (7b59439)
- Add MaterialButtonToggleGroup (cad9d7d) and demo (4895151)
- Add MotionSpec support to ExtendedFloatingActionButton (abbec48)
- Add Menu overlay color for APIs 23+ (912045f)
- Add OnChangedListener to respond to ShapeAppearanceModel changes and Shapeable interface, and implement it in Chip (ca07e5f)
- Add API to set height of a half expanded Bottomsheet, in proportion to parent height (5aebe1a)
- Update surface colors to match spec (760a99f)
- Update BottomSheetBehavior to use Nested Scrolling 3 (d6f7b7c)
- Adding support for TextInputLayout start icon (2642ff2)
- Support disabling min touch target size in FloatingActionButton (05bc557)
- Composite chip surface and background color to reduce ovedraw (3bd6fd4)
- Change MaterialCardView's strokeColor to be a ColorStateList (8b277ed)
- Remove background from MaterialComponents Fab style (fd4d662)
- Update MaterialButton checked colors (bc33a80)
- Update BottomNavigationView's Widget.MaterialComponents style variants to use MaterialShapeDrawable (a1f6a72)
- Change setElevation in MaterialShapeDrawable to use default offset (01874ad)
- Improve MaterialButton Talkback support (3bce1b6)
Full list of changes: 1.1.0-alpha04...1.1.0-alpha05
- Add Extended FAB component (63d11da) and demo (b701cea)
- Fix clipped edges of the filled text field's underline (beee015)
- Add shadows to
for APIs below 21 (75db215) - Add
API (901ba79) - Fix double underline that appeared when using a
with a non-TextInputEditText
style for theEditText
child (41d919a) - Update
to 8dp match spec. (6f73e58) - Make
(f42e432) - Add bridge themes for
(5287b8e) - Add checked state to
(441877f) - Fix padding of
when an icon is present (b7f520d) - Fix
bug that caused both compat and native shadows to be drawn for round rects in 21+ (c0de00c) - Add
flag forAppBarLayout.LayoutParams
(76a9b23) - Adding support for a custom end icon for the
. (5685941) - Add an attribute for
Full list of changes: 1.1.0-alpha03...1.1.0-alpha04
- Update CoordinatorLayout to Version 1.1.0-alpha01 and update AppBarLayout to NestedScrolling3 API (80aedb9)
The previously existing
onNestedScroll(CoordinatorLayout, V, View, int, int, int, int, int)
has been deprecated in favor of the newonNestedScroll(CoordinatorLayout, V, View, int, int, int, int, int, int[])
implementations should be updated accordingly.If developer code currently overrides
CoordinatorLayout#onNestedScroll(View, int, int, int, int, int)
, it will likely no longer be called andCoordinatorLayout#onNestedScroll(View, int, int, int, int, int, int[])
should be overridden instead. - Support checkable in MaterialCardView (4cbe3b1)
- Add backgroundTint support to BottomNav (a083017)
- Add Icon Padding with an insetDrawable in menus (560adc6)
- Updated Chip to support dynamically changing texts in RTL layout (a0ab1c2)
- Remember the selected item when adding items to BottomNavigation's menu (0055c66)
- Fixing focus order when text fields have the password toggle enabled. (9a30c93)
- Fix non-scrollable bottomsheet corners when set directly to STATE_EXPANDED (c94b520)
- Fix NPE in BottomSheetBehavior onViewReleased (41daf80)
- Only use window insets for Snackbar (BaseTransientBottomBar) bottom margin if anchor view is not provided (d1cd5d4)
- Support custom backgrounds for outline text fields and use EditText's background for the text field's outline. (0aa470a)
- Use stroke width to determine whether a stroke should be drawn for MaterialCardView. (6362e72)
Full list of changes: 1.1.0-alpha02...1.1.0-alpha03
- Shape Theming: FloatingActionButton, MaterialButton, Chip, MaterialCardView, BottomSheet, & TextInputLayout updated to use the new Material shape system
- Accessibility fixes for MaterialButton and Selection Controls (Checkboxes, RadioButtons, & Switches)
- New MaterialAlertDialogBuilder class for Material themed dialogs (WIP)
- Fix BottomAppBar Invalid Region crash on Android P (#235)
- Typography Theming: All components updated to use the new Material type system
- Color Theming: All components updated to use the new Material color system
- Shape Theming: Infrastructure for the new Material shape system (components to be updated in upcoming release)
- Selection Controls: Added Material Checkbox, Radio Button, and Switch to support new theming systems
- Updated dark theme & color palette (
) - New Snackbar styling and behavior
- New Menu styling
- More flexible AlertDialog title and icon positioning (
, &alertDialogTitleTextStyle
) - BottomAppBar shadow + scale and slide FAB animations (
) - Chip accessibility improvements
- AppBarLayout liftOnScroll support for non-sibling scrolling children (
) - MaterialCardView touch ripple + stroke and fill improvements
- Bug fixes and improvements