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McHorse edited this page May 14, 2021 · 3 revisions

Factions describe relationship between NPCs and players in terms of three attitudes: aggressive, neutral and friendly. Factions can be used to configure NPCs hostility toward players, other NPCs or even regular mobs.

You can use it to create foes for the players and their allies. Under the hood, factions are just player states that are stored using pattern factions.FACTION_ID. You can manipulate factions using /mp faction command, or check faction scores using faction expression functions.

Factions can be managed in Mappet dashboard. The seventh panel in the left sidebar opens faction editor.


Once you pick or create a faction, you'd see an editor like this:

Faction editor

Faction's title and display color

These two fields allow you to customize faction title's appearance in the player journal. In these case with lawyers faction, it would look like this:

Lawyers faction

Visible expression

Visible expression allows you to configure the visibility of factions in the player journal. If it's empty, or evaluates to a non-zero value then the faction will be visible in the journal.

Default score

Default score determines what is the default score of the faction does player receive when it first time interacts with the faction (i.e. when the faction score is updated using /mp faction add command). That is its only use.

Default attitudes

Default attitude allows you to change the default attitude of NPCs toward other mobs excluding players, while Default attitude toward players allows you to change the default attitude of NPCs toward players.


Relations allow you setting up attitudes among NPCs with different factions. You can add a relation to other faction using by clicking on the ➕ icon from the right of the Relations label. It will open an overlay where you would be able to pick other factions, but only if there are other factions to choose from.

Once the relation to other faction was added, you can toggle the attitude. To remove an attitude toward other faction, simply right click on the faction's label, and click ➖ Remove this relation.

Its own relationship

By clicking Configure its own relation... button, an overlay will popup. There you can edit the relationship for the player depending on the threshold scores.

You can create new thresholds by right clicking on the left part of the overlay under Faction relation editor title. There you can also remove currently selected relation threshold. You can also sort the position of threshold by drag-and-dropping them in the list.

Every threshold has title, color, score and attitude options, which should be self explanatory by now. These values will be used to display the progress of the faction progression in the player's journal, as well as determining which attitude do NPCs of the same faction as a player have.

The way it works is that every threshold's score provides the highest score, meaning player's faction score BELOW (less than, this doesn't affect the highest threshold in the list) a threshold's score will determine the final attitude. Consider following threshold setup:


Here would be the results of picking different faction scores:

Player's faction score Resulted faction Resulted attitude
-10 EVIL! Aggressive
0 Hostile Aggressive
99 Hostile Aggressive
100 Neutral Passive
199 Neutral Passive
200 Good Friendly
499 Good Friendly
500 Friendly Friendly
5000 Friendly Friendly
>1000000 Friendly Friendly

Hopefully that properly demonstrated this threshold system. Having multiple threshold systems is optional. 2 thresholds is a bare minimum, 3 is optimal and 4 and above is mostly decorative.

Attitude's description

Here is a list of faction attitudes and what they do:

  • Aggressive makes the NPCs attack the target entity
  • Passive ignores everything and everyone
  • Friendly (not used yet) immune to damage dealt by allies and protects allies