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McHorse edited this page Jun 20, 2021 · 10 revisions

Quests is a mechanism for to make players do something for a reward. You can use this mechanism to either reward player with cool loot, or immerse players into the lore through stories using quest chains.

Players can view currently taken quests in the player journal (J key by default) screen, quests can be taken and completed either through dialogues and quest chains and /mp quest subcommands.

Quests can be managed in Mappet dashboard. The second panel in the left sidebar opens quest editor.


Once you pick or create a quest, you'd see an editor like this:

Quest editor

Quest's title and description

Those two are self explanatory, they are quest's title and description. Title allows you to summarize the quest's gist in a couple of words, while the description allows you to dive deeper into the details of the quest like providing the details of where, what, who and etc.

They will appear somewhat like this in the dialogue quests view:


Note: for easier editing, you can right click on the description's text field and Edit in fullscreen....

Description's formatting

Within description field you can use some simple formatting. Inputting \n counts as a newline, so if you want to start a new paragraph, you'll need two newline breaks like \n\n.

You can also use [ as a substitute to § (section) symbol to do color formatting as described in Minecraft wiki's Formatting codes page.

Note: these are true at the moment of current alpha.


Cancelable toggle determines whether quest can be declined by the player in the player journal. If the quest is not cancelable, then the decline button will be unclickable:

Decline button is grayed out


Instant toggle determines whether the quest will be immediately completed (and player will be rewarded), once all the goals are met (without having to handing it in manually in a dialogue).


Objectives are the goals that you give to the player that determine what player must do to complete the quest. At the moment, there are following objectives present in the mod:

  • Kill objective, this objective tells player to slay a specific amount of mobs
  • Collect objective, this objective tells player to acquire specific item
  • State objective, this objective gets marked as complete when a condition met when any state are changed

You can add objectives by pressing ➕ icon to the right of the Objectives label. After clicking it, a context menu will popup and you'd be able to select the objective you want to add. If you want to remove an objective, you can right click on its area, and pick the ➖ Remove this objective context menu item.

Custom objective messages

Every objective can have a custom objective message. With this feature you can customize what player sees in the objective window. This could help either to localize the objective message for languages with more complex grammar, make objective more vague (in case you want to puzzle the player), or just customize the objective messages to adapt the language of the quest (for example, instead of "Kill Cockroach (0/10)" you can make it appear as "Exterminate 10 cockroaches").

Kill and collect objectives support replacable variables:

  • ${count}, how many items collected/mobs killed?
  • ${total}, how many items must be collected/mobs must be killed?
  • ${entity} (kill objective only) display name of the mob that must be killed
  • ${name} (collect objective only) display name of the item that must be collected

For example, for kill objective objective let's say you make a quest called Exterminate endermite which makes player kill 15 endermites. Following will be the custom objective message:

Exterminate ${count}/${total} endermites

Kill objective

Kill objective have multiple fields that you need to worry about. Those are: Entity ID, Count and Matching NBT.

The button under Entity label opens an overlay modal that contains a list of all available entities in the game. For example, if you'll pick minecraft:pig, player will need to kill a pig. Keep in mind that not all entities are killable, meaning that you won't be able to kill entities like boats, item frames, etc, so test the quest if you have doubts.

The field under Count determines how many entities matching by the Entity ID and Matching NBT (if it's present) needed to be killed to consider given objective complete.

And finally text field under Matching NBT label allows to input additional NBT data that will be compared against the killed entity. For example:

  • If you want to target a baby zombie, you'd need to specify minecraft:zombie in the entity ID picker and {IsBaby:1b} into the Matching NBT field.
  • If you want to target a Mappet NPC with test NPC ID, you'd need to specify mappet:npc in the entity ID picker and {State:{Id:"test"}} into the Matching NBT field.

ProTip™: if you want to figure out the Matching NBT tag, the best way to find the variables is to kill that specific mob, pick up its morph, and inspect its NBT data, which you can do it in the morph editor.

Collect objective

Collect objective have only one field which is an item slot, simply click on the slot, and pick the item. Then player will have to collect this specific item, and as many as it says in the bottom right corner of the item stack.

Keep in mind that if you have custom NBT data on the tag, the player will have to collect exact this item, however the damage (how much item is damaged) of the item doesn't get accounted.

State objective

State objective uses a checker to determine whether the objective is completed. It checks only when a state gets updated for example via /mp state command.

Technically you can put there any expression or condition including those that don't depend on the states, but you'd have to constantly update some state global (~) state in a redstone clock, for example.


And finally, the the last quest options are accept, decline and complete triggers.

As the names state, these individual triggers will be triggered when player accepts a quest that was given to them via the /mp quest accept command or they accept it from a dialogue, declined it through the /mp quest decline command or from the player journal, or completed the quest through the /mp quest complete command or via a dialogue.


It worth noting that there is one special mechanic that you need to know about quests.

Once a quest is completed by a player a 1 will be added to both global and that specific player's state by key quests.QUEST_ID. So if I completed a quest by ID mchorse.intro, then to both ~ and my player states a 1 will be added to the key quests.mchorse.intro (you can verify that by completing a quest and executing /mp print ~ and /mp state print YOUR_USERNAME).