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Creating truth scenarios

Thomas Nipen edited this page Apr 23, 2017 · 1 revision

To create a truth scenario, the -db, -n, -t, and -o flags must be specified:

  • -db specifies a database to sample from
  • -n specifies how many scenarios to create
  • -t specifies how long (in number of days) the scenarios should be
  • -o specifies what file to store the scenarios in

Unlike creating simulations, this does not join 10-day segments, but instead takes the day 0 forecast and connects these together. If the database does not contain a day 0 forecast for a specific day, then the day 1 forecast from the previous day is used, and so on.

If multiple scenarios are requested, then scenarios are constructed starting on Jan 1 but for different years. If -n and -t are not specified, the single scenario is made that spans the time range of the database.

wxgen truth -db -o