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Thomas Nipen edited this page Apr 29, 2017 · 34 revisions

This wiki describes how to use Wxgen. Wxgen creates weather time-series that are 1) gridded 2) arbitrarily long 3) with multiple weather variables. The program offers many different options for creating these time-series and allows a comparison of various combinations of options. For example, the below figure illustrates the length (in number of days) of the longest wet-spells for two competing strategies:

Download test database

To run the examples in this wiki, you will need to download the ECMWF-based database. Contact Thomas Nipen to get a hold of this.

Basic usage

Wxgen is a command-line program with three modes: simulation, truth, and verification. The simulation mode creates one or more scenarios of a desired length, and is run as follows:

wxgen sim [options]

The truth mode assembles a scenario that best represents the truth, based on the database. It connects the day 0 forecasts from the database (using ensemble member 0). When a day 0 forecast is not available, it will use the day 1 forecast from the previous initialization (and so forth until it finds one).

wxgen truth [options]

Finally, the scenarios can be evaluated using the verification mode as follows:

wxgen verif [options]