Checks sample sheet naming and contents. Carries out a series of checks on the sample sheet and collects any errors that it identifies (SamplesheetCheck.errors_list). It also identifies whether or not a run is a TSO run from the sample sheet (SamplesheetCheck.tso).
Runs a series of checks on the sample sheet, collects any errors identified. Checks whether:
- Sample sheet exists
- Samplesheet name is valid (validates using the seglh-naming library)
- Sequencer ID is in the list of allowed sequencer IDs supplied to the script
- Samplesheet is not empty (>10 bytes)
- Samplesheet is for a development run, using the development pan number supplied to the script
- Samplesheet contains the minimum expected
section headers:Sample_ID, Sample_Name, index
match for each sample in the data section of the samplesheet- Sample name does not contain any illegal characters
- Sample name is valid (validates using the seglh-naming library)
- Pan numbers are in the list of allowed pan numbers supplied to the script
- Samplesheet contains any TSO samples
If samplesheet contains an input dev_pannos, the package will skip samplesheet checks for the samplesheet.
The repository provides a python package which can be installed with:
python3 install
NB: Use the --user flag or install into an virtualenv/pipenv if not installing globally.
from samplesheet_validator.samplesheet_validator import SamplesheetCheck
sscheck_obj = SamplesheetCheck(
samplesheet_path, # str
sequencer_ids, # list
panels, # list
tso_panels, # list
dev_pannos, # list
logdir, # str
sscheck_obj.ss_checks() # Carry out samplesheeet validation
print(sscheck_obj.errors_dict) # View the dictionary of error messages
The environment must be set up as follows:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
The script can then be used as follows:
usage: Used to validate a samplesheet using the seglh-naming conventions
Given an input samplesheet, will validate the samplesheet using seglh-naming conventions and output a logfile
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Path to samplesheet requiring validation
Comma separated string of allowed sequencer IDS
-P PANELS, --panels PANELS
Comma separated string of allowed panel numbers
-T TSO_PANELS, --tso_panels TSO_PANELS
Comma separated string of tso panels
-D DEV_PANNOS, --dev_pannos DEV_PANNOS
Comma separated development pan numbers
-L LOGDIR, --logdir LOGDIR
Directory to save the output logfile to
Provide flag when we don't want a stream handler (prevents
duplication of log messages to terminal if using another
logging instance)
This repository currently has 92% test coverage.
Test datasets are stored in /test/data. The script has a full test suite:
See test/ for details about test cases.
These tests should be run before pushing any code to ensure all tests in the GitHub Actions workflow pass. These can be run as follows:
python3 -m pytest
N.B. Tests and test cases/files MUST be maintained and updated accordingly in conjunction with script development N.B. This includes ensuring that the arguments passed to pytest in the pytest.ini file are kept up to date
Logging is performed by ss_logger. The directory to save the log file to is supplied as an argument. The output log file is named by the script as follows:
The script also collects the error messages as it runs, which can be used by other scripts when this script is used as an import.