This is a ROS package for visualizing scenes from the BURG SetupTool. The printed marker templates will be recognized and the objects are projected into the image to facilitate placing the real objects.
You need to install the BURG-Toolkit so that it is found by the Python
that ROS uses. This is usually the system python.
Then you can simply clone this repository into your catkin_ws/src
and install
using catkin_make
The package contains:
The actual node with the SceneVisualizer.launch/visualize.launch
A launch file for exemplary setup with a realsense or kinect2 camera, including visualization in rviz.
In any case, you will have to provide at least the scene_fn
argument, which points to
a scene.yaml file that was created with
BURG SetupTool
Refer to those repos for more details on scene creation.
E.g. roslaunch burg_scene_visualizer visualize.launch scene_fn:=/path/to/your/scene.yaml
should give you something like this:
Note that scenes can be stored without a printout and such scenes will not work. You can check
by opening the yaml file with an editor and if there is a line printout: null
then it does not contain any
information about the printout. You can easily add this using the BURG toolkit with:
import burg_toolkit as burg
scene, lib, _ = burg.Scene.from_yaml(yaml_fn)
printout = burg.printout.Printout(size=scene.ground_area)
scene.to_yaml(yaml_fn, object_library=lib, printout=printout)