Hi,I'm Nima Rafati🙌, a Bioinformatics data scientist. I love searching for patterns in data which roots in my interest in biology and music
Talking about Personal Stuffs:
- 🔭 I am working as a research staff at National Bioinformatician Infrastructure Sweden, Science for Life laboratory
- 👯 Part of a big group of bioinformatician at NBIS where I have a chance to interact with highly skilled people and get involved in big projects.
- 💬 Ask me about:
- Genome analysis
- Transcriptome/Genome assembly
- scRNASeq / RNASeq analysis
- Methylation
- Structural variation analysis
- Darks side of the genome; complex structure of genome (e.g. sex determination region in Atlantic herring, Skeletal atavism in Shetland ponies,...)
- ⚡ Check out my recent Blogs
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