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Web Conference 2022.02.08 Curb

Michael Schnuerle edited this page Feb 8, 2022 · 5 revisions

Web Conference - Curb Working Group

  • Every other week Tuesday call at 9am PT / 12pm ET / 6pm CET

Conference Call Info

Meeting ID: 898 5980 7668 - Passcode 320307

One tap mobile: +13126266799,,89859807668#,,,,*320307# US (New York)

Dial by phone: +1 929 436 2866 (US) (Find your local number)


Main Topics

  1. Welcome and process (10 min) - Jacob Larson, City of Omaha
  2. CDS Release Candidate Launch and Recap - Angela Giacchetti (OMF)
  3. CDS Approval Process Status - Michael Schnuerle (OMF)
  4. How to Use GitHub - Michael Schnuerle (OMF)
  5. Your questions, feedback and asking for help - Michael Schnuerle (OMF)
  6. Open Spec Items for Discussion - Michael Schnuerle (OMF)


  • Hosts: Jacob Larson, City of Omaha
  • Note Taker: Zane Clark, Automotus
  • Facilitator: Michael Schnuerle (OMF)
  • Outreach: Jacob Larson, City of Omaha



Action Items

  • Define month time enum in general information
  • Create an idling activity
  • Support no standing and no cruising. Potentially requires some new activity definitions
  • On the CDS website, host a form where municipalities can ask, "How does this policy map to CDS?".



  1. CDS Overview
  2. Schedule
  3. Launch + Resources
  4. Open Spec Items
  5. Questions

CDS Overview:

Action Item: Jacob L asked if there was an update on Passport? Michael S. said that there wasn't yet Release candidate to the OMF Tech Council for final approval


2/22/2022 Meeting, Topics TBD

Launch and Resources by Angela G.

  • CDS Launch Resources, links in the meeting deck
  • Scope of Work: focused on commercial loading activities
  • Next step for release candidate: Review w/ Tech Council
  • In the meantime, the release candidate is ready for use! Review, refine, apply to pilot projects
  • Resources about CDS
  • Implementation Resources
    • Github: if you only save one link, save this one
    • Policy Language
    • Privacy Guidance: Draft form, finalize when spec is final
    • Pilot Program Guide
  • Some Links from Angela:

Open Spec Items

Michael Danko Introduction. Welcome, Michael D.!

Github How To by Michael S.
  • Branches
    • Dev Branch: This is the branch you could contribute to
    • Release-1.0.0: Close to the main branch. A feature branch with the changes that will be merged into the main branch
  • Issues
    • Form-like
    • Setup labels on the right
    • Pre-work for changes, another alternative for this is Discussions (below)
  • Discussions
    • Free-form discussion for potential changes
    • Discussions often become issues or contributions
  • Pull Requests
    • Most complicated
  • Wiki
    • Meetings
    • Release Plan
    • Timeline
    • Meeting Agendas
Open Discussion Items
max_stay and no_return units and defaults

Similar to adding a unit to the Rate object.

max_stay default:

If not specified, the curb may be used under this regulation indefinitely.

no_return default:

Defaults to 0.

Action Item: Michael D. brought up the excellent point that not all months, quarters, or years are the same duration. How do we handle this on the backend?

  • Henry E. mentioned that they often sell services on the basis of a month, so having this enum would be handy
    • calendar month
    • rolling month e.g. the 17th of one month to the 17th of another month
  • Action Item Define month in general information
  • Action Item Create a discussion, bring in Henry E. and Michael D. Suggest a fixed unit
Travel vs No Stopping
  • Henry E. brought up the use case where we want to allow parking, but disallow another activity such as idling or loading
    • Matt D. brought up a similar use case where parking might be allowed, but a municipality wouldn't want a parcel delivery truck to use it for unloading
    • Action Item: Create an idling activity
    • How would we detect idling?
      • Not visually or via events api. It would have to be a feed from connected vehicles
    • Do we care about electric car idling? Or just combustion car idling?
      • Michael S. suggested that the definition of idling include the production of emissions
    • Matt D. suggested that we not rely on "embedding" activities within one another and instead enumerate the list of activities allowed or disallowed
    • No stopping, no standing, no cruising
      • Action Item: Potentially requires some new activity definitions
Questions on CDS
  • Action ItemZane C.: Create a discussion around exposing violation metrics
    • use case: prioritize enforcement, inform policy definition
  • Jacob L.: Work Zone Data Exchange (WZDx) alignment
  • Jake from Curb ID: CDS Validation Tool
    • Similar to what Google exposes for GBFS or GTFS
    • Michael S. said it would be nice to have if an organization would expose an endpoint or an open-sourced project to support this
    • Action Item On the CDS website, host a form where municipalities can ask, "How does this policy map to CDS?". Initially, these tricky policy definitions could inform CDS examples. Eventually, these policies could be entered into Jake's proposed validation tool.
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