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Web Conference 2024.06.25 Curb

Michael Schnuerle edited this page Jul 2, 2024 · 8 revisions

Web Conference - Curb Working Group

  • Monthly on a Tuesday call at 9am PT, 12pm ET, 5/6pm CET

Conference Call Info

Meeting ID: 898 5980 7668 - Passcode 320307

One tap mobile: +13126266799,,89859807668#,,,,*320307# US (New York)

Dial by phone: +1 929 436 2866 (US) (Find your local number)


Meeting Agenda

Parking Data Standards - APDS and CDS

  • Welcome (5 mins)
  • Announcements - Mitch Vars (5 mins)
  • Overview of Organizations - Mitch Vars (5 mins)
  • Presentation
    • Michael Drow, Parking Revenue Recovery Services (10 mins)
    • Jacob Larson, City of Omaha, Parking and Mobility (10 mins)
  • Recap of specs and Q & A


  • Hosts: Jacob Larson, City of Omaha, Parking and Mobility
  • Note Taker: Brian Hamlin, SDOT
  • Facilitator: Mitch Vars, OMF
  • Outreach: Michael Schnuerle, OMF

Action Items and Decisions

  1. All members: Please review open issues and submit contributions on Github where relevant to you. There just isn't enough time in meetings to discuss all open issues.



Curb Working Group Intro and Updates

  • Our new SC co-chair, Kenya Wheeler opened the meeting up by welcoming everyone and led the background on CDS
  • Mitch Vars gave updates on the new WGSC chairs for the upcoming year, an upcoming CDS webinar focused on educating policymakers on the benefits of using CDS and highlighted that the third round of SMART grants NOFO is still open until 7/12

Parking and Curb Standards - APDS, CDS

  • Michael Drow from PRRS led a presentation on the Alliance for Parking Data Standards (APDS). It started in 2017 because there was no clear definitions to communicate between providers both in and out of parking industry.
  • APDS understands that there are MANY data standards in the industry, and it doesn’t make sense to have one standard to control everything. CDS has a place to connect with APDS to benefit everyone.
  • APDS has seen lots of adoption in Europe. The UK government’s national parking platform is supportive. Enforcement tools are connected and shared.
  • APDS does not sell software – just sets the standards.
  • Michael highlighted the opportunity to collaborate with CDS. CDS is purpose built to share curbside data activity. APDS wants to hook into these types of standards.
  • There was some initial work to translate CDS to APDS. This should be expanded on to bridge the two specs.
  • Jacob Larson from Park Omaha led a presentation on how Omaha is using both CDS and APDS.
  • Omaha is use CDS for on-street zone occupancy and connecting to a single reporting payment database.
  • Omaha’s a public API of APDS. Currently using data from LPR cameras.
  • Mitch noted the draft document that explains the relationship between CDS and APDS
  • Questions –
    • Michael S - how does APDS define geographic place data in GIS in the APDS spec? Is it points, lines, linear referencing, polygons, or some combination of these?
      • It’s a combination depending on what the facility can support. Can be a simple point or can be polygons. Different ways to share lat long data
    • Umojo – are the mobile payment vendors working with you. If we ask for data in APDS will they provide?
      • Michael D - PBP has it built into their system, works in the UK but not as well in US. Per GDPR, if a user asks to have their data pulled, APDS is working to have the traceability to make that work.
    • Kenya W – EV charging in APDS does it include off-street and on-street?
      • APDS helps identify where chargers are and then connects occupancy to use it. EV chargers are complex
    • Jim G – how does APDS’s open model (many apps allowed in one city) deter people from placing fraudulent QR codes on meters?
      • Michael D – still up to city council to decide what vendors are allowed to operate.
    • Kenya W – how does ALPR data work?
      • LPR would be considered an observation
    • Elisa K – has APDS dealt with any data streams coming from on-street parking related enforcement?
      • Michael D – yes, several places in UK government. Works with multiple vendors.
    • Michael D will:
      • Send URL to APDS
      • Details on excel spreadsheet
      • Connections to mobile payment vendors
      • Connections to enforcement

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