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Peter Motschmann edited this page Jul 7, 2019 · 11 revisions


Your race is more easily modified by gene therapy.
Genetic Mutations occur faster from gene tampering


Your race is quick to get angry when hungry.
When hungry you get hangry, low food penalty is more severe

Apex Predator

You are a very dangerous predator. Hunting and combat effectiveness is increased but armor technology is unusable.
Army combat and hunting ratings are raised substantially, but you can not research armor upgrades


Your race is naturally armored and thus less likely to be fatally wounded in battle.
Less soldiers die in combat


The inherent arrogance of your species often leads to you overpaying in negotiations.
Market prices are higher


Your species is asymmetrical. This gives you a more monstrous appearance making trade more difficult.
Trade selling prices are slightly worse then normal


Your race atrophies quicker when not well fed.
More prone to starvation


Your races keen senses help you detect the scent of prey.
Hunting improved when it's windy

Beast of Burden

Your race is able to carry away more loot when winning a military conflict.
Gains more loot during raids


Your race loves fighting and is easier to recruit for battle.
Recruitment costs are 1/2 price


Your species is carnivorous and does not engage in farming.
No agriculture tech tree path, however unemployed citizens now act as hunters.


Your race is less effective at combat when it is precipitating.
Rain reduces combat rating


Your species natural affinity for hiding has caused you to be more averse to having a standing army.
Barracks have less soldiers


Your race is more effective in combat.
Raises maximum bound for army score roll

Cold Blooded

Your species is sensitive to the outside temperature.
Weather affects productivity


You are very small, and thus do not need many materials to construct things.
You hardly take up any space at all


Your conniving ways get you the best deals in trade.
Better trade deals


Your race has a knack for crafting
3% bonus craft ratio


Your species natural creativity leads to faster development of super projects.
A.R.P.A. Projects are 5% cheaper


The diverse nature of your species makes working together as a cohesive military unit more difficult.
Training soldiers takes longer


Your race does not easily understand new concepts.
Knowledge costs increased by 5%


Your race is pure evil.
You are pure evil

Fast Growth

Your species gestates quickly, population thus raises faster then other species.
Greatly increases odds of population growth each cycle


Your skin burns with unholy fire making you one of the most feared opponents on the battlefield.
Major war bonus


Your race is frail and is more likely to die in combat.
More soldiers die in combat


The scent of blood sends your troops into a frenzy increasing your morale temporarily. You are also immune to the warmonger penalty.
Combat raises morale, but this effect decays over time. No warmonger penalty.


Your species is always hungry and eats extra food.
Eats 10% more food


Your race is greedy and will not willingly part with money, reduces income from taxes.
Lowers income from taxes

Hard of Hearing

Your species has poor hearing and thus lectures are less effective.
University science cap gain reduced by 5%


Your species does not eat meat.
No food is gained from hunting

High Metabolism

Your species metabolizes food quickly, as a result you need more of it.
Food requirements increased by 5%


Your citizens are highly ineffectual when working as individuals but gain potency as they work in bigger groups.
Jobs with low citizen counts assigned to them have reduced output, but those with high numbers have increased output.

Hollow Bones

Your species has light weight bones and requires less crafted materials to build structures.
Less Crafted Materials Needed


Your race loves to hoard money.
Banks can store 20% more money


Your species does not like rain.
None factory jobs are reduced by 25% when raining


Your race can never sit still and is always doing something.
The game moves at a 5% faster pace


Your race is immoral and delights in conflict..
Warmonger is a bonus instead of a penalty


Your race spreads by infecting other creatures and taking over the host body.
Attacking has a chance to infect other creatures and grow your population


Your species always leverages the latest advancements in science to it's full benefit.
Professors and Scientists add a global production bonus


Your lack of a skeletal structure means you can't haul away as much loot from battle.
10% Reduced loot from combat victories.

Kindling Kindred

Your race is adverse to cutting down trees for lumber, all lumber costs are removed but other costs are increased.
Lumber is no longer a resource, however other costs are increased for anything that would have used lumber to compensate.


Your race is large and thus requires extra materials to build things.
Increases cost creep multipliers by 0.01


Your race loves nothing more then a lazy afternoon. Productivity is lost in warm weather as a result.
All production is lowered when the temperature is hot


Your race has leathery skin which makes you more weather resistant.
Morale penalty from some weather conditions are reduced.

Low Light

Sunlight does not penetrate into the depths of the ocean easily and farming activities are less effective as a result.
Farm and farmer output reduced by 10%


Your race can function while suffering from malnutrition better then most.
The rationing penalty is weaker


Your race has an innate gift for haggling.
Better commodity selling prices


Your species is nearsighted and requires bigger font sizes to read.
Libraries are less effective


Your race does not like direct sunlight, they are less productive when it's sunny.
Productivity is lost when it is sunny


Your race always tries to look for the best possible outcome.
Minor reduction to stress

Pack Mentality

Your race prefers to live in groups.
Cabins cost more, but cottages and apartments cost less.

Pack Rat

Your species is adept at packing the most stuff into any storage space.
Storage space is increased


Your race is paranoid and doesn't trust banks.
Bank capacity reduced by 10%


Your species is a parasite and must infect host victims to grow.
You can only reproduce by infecting victims, spores sometimes find a victim when it's windy


You are pathetic in combat, the other demons view you as vermin.
You suck at combat


Your race gets depressed easily.
Minor increase to stress


Your race produces part of its food requirements through photosynthesis with the sun.
Reduces food requirements dependent on sunshine.


Your race is less effective in combat.
Lowers minimum bound for army score roll


Your race is afraid of fire and smelters operate slower as a result.
Smelter productivity is reduced


Your race inherently heals quickly.
Wounded soldiers heal 4x as fast


Your species resourcefulness leads to less waste when crafting.
Crafting costs are reduced slightly


Your race has a stiff skeletal structure and crafts less efficiently.
Crafting production lowered slightly


Your species is protected by scales which act as a kind of natural armor.
Minor decrease of soldiers killed in combat


Your race prefers moonless nights.
Moon phase directly affects productivity, on average this is slightly negative


Your race is easily startled and may lose productivity when scared.
Thunderstorms lower all production


Your species is slow moving and rarely in a hurry to get anything done.
The game moves at a 10% slower pace

Slow Digestion

Your race digests food slowly and thus will not starve as easily.
Your race is more resilient to starvation


Your race is small and thus requires less materials to build things.
Reduces cost creep multipliers by 0.01


Your race more easily understands new concepts.
Knowledge costs reduced by 10%


Your race prefers to live alone rather then with others.
Cabins are cheaper however cottages cost more


Your species doesn't propagate when it's precipitating
Birthrate decreased when it's raining


Your species propagates quickly when it's windy
Birthrate increased when it's windy


Your race has great strength and can harvest the basics in greater quantity.
Increased manual resource gain


Your race is more focused when studying then average. Knowledge is gained faster as a result.
Professors generate an extra 0.25 Knowledge per second

Suction Grip

Your superior grip boosts all productivity.
8% productivity boost, one for each limb.


Your species lives primarily underwater and is thus not affected by most weather.
Weather effects are ignored.


You are so terrifying that no one will trade with you.
No one will trade with you


Your race is tough and can withstand the most grueling jobs without succumbing to weakness.
Mining output increased by 25%


Your species natural toxicity makes you resistant to toxic workplaces and thus are more productive in factories.
Factory type jobs are 25% more productive


Your race excels at tracking game, and thus produces more from hunting.
10% increased gains from hunting


Your species is naturally adept at digging tunnels which make mine shafts cheaper to produce.
Mines and Coal Mines are cheaper


Your race is ineffective at tough manual labor tasks.
Lumberjacks, miners, and quarry workers are 10% less effective


Your races dislike of foreigners reduces the number of trade routes you can operate.
Trade posts suffer a -1 penalty per post