This is the Repository for the project with the theme "Sensor Fusion through Feature Embedding in Convolutional Neural Networks".
State of the Art
- Sensor fusion
- Sensor fusion with ANN
- AlexNet (2012)
- VGG (2014)
- GoogleNet/Inception (2014), Inception V2 (2015), Xception/V3 (2016)
- ResNet (2015), ResNet V2 (2016)
- MobileNet (2017)
- LeNet (1998)
- ResNeXt (2016)
- SqueezeNet (2016): architecture to be downloaded
- DenseNet (2016)
- ShuffleNet (2017)
- MS COCO: a large-scale object detection, segmentation, and captioning dataset. Paper for mopre details.
- ImageNet: Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC)
- PASCAL: PASCAL Visual Object Classes dataset
- CIFAR 10/100
- NORB: Object Recognition Dataset
- MNIST: (handwritten digits) – very old
- commissioning