Read level DNA methylation analysis of bisulfite converted sequencing data
For detailed documentation and usage examples, please visit the Wiki.
- GCC (minimum required version: 11, no other compiler is currently supported)
- CMake (minimum required version: 3.8)
- zlib (minimum required version: 1.2)
Attention: Due to the requirements of the SeqAn3 library, only the latest minor GCC releases are supported for each major version.
To install RLM from github, run:
git clone --recurse-submodules
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../RLM
To use RLM from your build directory, run:
bin/RLM -b /path/to/bam/<sample>.bam \
-r /path/to/reference/<reference>.fa \
-m <sequencing_mode> \
-s <desired_score> \
-a <aligner>
To see the help page and learn more about available basic options, run:
bin/RLM -h
To see available advanced options, run:
bin/RLM -hh
All options available in RLM:
-h, --help Prints the help page.
-hh, --advanced-help Prints the help page including advanced options.
--version Prints the version information.
--copyright Prints the copyright/license information.
--export-help Export the help page information. Value must be one of [html, man].
--version-check Whether to check for the newest app version. Default: true.
-b, --bam BAM or SAM file (best sorted by position and after deduplication). The
input file must exist and read permissions must be granted. Valid file
extensions are: [sam, bam].
-r, --reference Reference genome used to align the BAM file. The input file must exist
and read permissions must be granted. Valid file extensions are:
[fa, fasta].
-m, --mode Sequencing mode. Value must be one of [SE,PE].
-s, --score The score(s) to compute. For 'entropy', 'pdr' and 'all' the single
read output is always computed. Value must be one of
-a, --aligner The alignment tool used to create the BAM file. Default: bsmap. Value
must be one of [bsmap,bismark,segemehl,gem].
-c, --coverage Minimum number of reads required to report a CpG or kmer for 'pdr'
and 'entropy' mode. Default: 10. Value must be in range [1,1000].
-q, --mapping_quality Minimum mapping quality required to consider a read. Default: 30.
Value must be in range [0,255].
-d, --rrbs If BAM file contains reads from an RRBS experiment and reads should
be trimmed in order to avoid bias of artifical CpGs. Do NOT use if
you already accounted for this problem during trimming.
-o, --output_single_read Output file with DNA methylation information for every single read
with at least 3 CpGs. Default: "output_single_read_info.bed". Write
permissions must be granted.
Valid file extensions are: [bed, tsv, txt].
-e, --output_entropy Output file with entropy, epipolymorphism and epiallele information
for every 4-mer spanned by complete reads.
Default: "output_entropy.bed". Write permissions must be granted.
Valid file extensions are: [bed, tsv, txt].
-p, --output_pdr Output file with read-transition score and percent discordant reads
for every CpG spanned by complete reads. Only reads that cover at
least 3 CpGs are considered. Default: "output_pdr.bed". Write
permissions must be granted.
Valid file extensions are: [bed, tsv, txt].
RLM is a standalone C++ application. However, to provide summary statistics and figures as well as ideas for post-processing, we provide an R Markdown script in the post_processsing
folder. In order to use the script, R needs to be installed including the following packages:
The script can be called the following way:
Rscript -e "rmarkdown::render('summarize_read_level_stats.Rmd',
single_read_input_file = '/path/to/output_single_read_info.bed',
pdr_input_file = '/path/to/output_pdr.bed',
entropy_input_file = '/path/to/output_entropy.bed',
sample_name = 'my_sample',
feature_input_file = '/path/to/features.bed'),
output_file = 'my_output.pdf')"
The parameter feature_input_file
is optional and if not provided, no feature-wise figures will be reported. If provided, it should be a bedgraph file of the following format: <chr> <start> <end> <feature_name>
where <feature_name>
should be the name of the feature type the region belongs to. For more information and an example run with figures please visit our Wiki.