University of Michigan 2020 dissertation latex template - Rackham compliant
Adapted by Suyash Tandon, 2020 - [email protected]
The two most important files meeting Rackham dissertation guidelines are :
which compiles the different files into one document, andthesis-umich.cls
which defines the formatting and styles for the document.
These two files dictate the structure and form of the dissertation.
In theory, you should only need to change main.tex
and its dependencies. Only modify
thesis-umich.cls if necessary, because .cls errors often don't produce useful debug messages and it can it can be a pain to debug.
To compile, run
in a terminal. This effectively runs pdflatex
and bibtex
enough times and in the right order to handle all labels and references. This script also filters out a lot of
unuseful compile output information, making it easier to find errors.
The acknowledgements page may have weird formatting. Try adjusting the width settings on line # 715 of thesis-umich.cls