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Delete Multiple Objects (DMO)

Timothy Kay edited this page Oct 9, 2013 · 1 revision

You can delete multiple objects:

aws dmo [-v] [--quiet] bucket object [object...]

deletes the list of objects from the bucket. The --quiet switch suppresses successful response information. The -v switch displays the XML request (among other things).

If object is "-", then a list of files (separated by whitespace) is read from stdin:

echo obj1 obj2 |aws dmo mybucket obj3 - obj4

deletes obj3, obj1, obj2, and obj4 from mybucket.

Note: if you delete a file that doesn't exist, S3 considers it a success, as long as you have write access to the bucket. Thus, you can test dmo by deleting non-existent files.

Native Interface

The native interface is also supported:

aws put --md5 bucket?delete file.xml

or via stdin:

aws put --md5 bucket?delete <file.xml

or generated from a script (also via stdin):

generate_xml |aws put --md5 bucket?delete

deletes the objects according to the XML. The data read from stdin is stored in a temporary file.


aws put --md5 bucket?delete -


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