A ros package for interfacing with pozyx
pip is required to inorder to install the pozyx library. Pip can be install from here
The range topic is published at /pozyx/range, is of type DeviceRange and is published at a rate of about _hz.
The position topic is published at /pozyx/pos, is of type geometery_msgs/PoseStamped and is published at a rate of about _hz.
The position topic is published at /pozyx/heading, is of type geometery_msgs/Vector3Stamped and is published at a rate of about _hz.
The transform topic is published at /pozyx/trans, is of type geometery_msgs/TransformStamped and is published at a rate of about _hz.
The imu topic is published at /pozyx/imu, is of type sensor_msgs/Imu and is published at a rate of about _hz.