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Documentation of public facing APIs of CSharpMath.Rendering, CSharpMath.SkiaSharp and CSharpMath.Forms MathViews

Happypig375 edited this page Jul 27, 2018 · 1 revision

Version: 0.1.0


Full name: CSharpMath.Rendering.MathPainter``2


public abstract class Painter<TCanvas, TSource, TColor> : ICanvasPainter<TCanvas, TSource, TColor> where TSource : struct, ISource
public abstract class MathPainter<TCanvas, TColor> : Painter<TCanvas, MathSource, TColor>

Color: TColor


Full name: CSharpMath.SkiaSharp.MathPainter


public class MathPainter : MathPainter<SKCanvas, SKColor>, ICanvasPainter<SKCanvas, MathSource, SKColor>

Color: SkiaSharp.SKColor


Full name: CSharpMath.Forms.MathView


[XamlCompilation(XamlCompilationOptions.Compile), ContentProperty(nameof(LaTeX))]
public class MathView : BaseView<MathPainter, MathSource>, IPainter<MathSource, Color>

Color: Xamarin.Forms.Color

Common APIs



Type: CSharpMath.Rendering.MathSource

Settable? ✔️

Default: new MathSource()

The source of content to display. If it remains as the default, then nothing will be displayed.

Notes: MathSource is a readonly struct and should not be mutated even though you can do so with its MathList property as that list will not be regenerated after the creation of the MathSource. You can cache MathSources for reuse so LaTeX parsing need not be done every time.

Since version: 0.1.0


Type: System.String

Settable? ✔️

Default: null

The LaTeX to be displayed. Will set the ErrorMessage property if the set value contains a syntax error. Do not set this to null. Basically a convenience property to Source.LaTeX.

Since version: 0.1.0


Type: CSharpMath.Interfaces.IMathList

Settable? ✔️

Default: null

The list of math atoms to be displayed. Do not set this to null. Bascially a convenience property to Source.MathList. Please do not mutate this property with the same rationale behind the one in Source.

Since version: 0.1.0



Type: System.Collections.Generic.List<Typogaphy.OpenFont.Typeface>

Settable? ✔️

Default: new List<Typeface>()

The list of typefaces that are local to this instance. If glyphs from different typefaces in this list are of the same Unicode codepoint, the glyph from the first typeface from the start of the list shadows later typefaces. Glyphs from typefaces from this list also shadows those from the global typeface list (CSharpMath.Rendering.MathFonts.GlobalTypefaces).

Notes: The global typeface list allows indices from -128 to 127, where 0 is the default typeface (Latin Modern Math). When the glyph finder searches the list, it scans from index -128 to 127 sequentially, returning if found. (The previous sentence describes the same thing with local typefaces.) The default typeface cannot be changed without using reflection or recompilation or memory edits, silently failing on all attempts to mutate the zeroth item of the global typeface list, so as to always keep at least one typeface loaded at all times.

Since version: 0.1.0


Type: CSharpMath.Enumerations.LineStyle

Settable? ✔️

Default: LineStyle.Display

Commonly you would want to set this to either LineStyle.Display or LineStyle.Text for display mode or text mode respectively (aka display mode maths and inline mode maths respectively). May be overridden by the \displaystyle and \textstyle LaTeX commands. You could set this to LineStyle.Script or LineStyle.ScriptScript to set everything to be scripted (not superscript nor subscript, but rather 'mid'-script, so everything is like extra-small), to find bugs that otherwise would only occur in superscript or subscript context. Thanks in advance for reporting them.

Since version: 0.1.0


Type: System.Float

Settable? ✔️

Default: 20

The font size in points to display the content in.

Since version: 0.1.0



Type: Color (see above)

Settable? ✔️

Default: Transparent (#00000000)

The background color displayed behind the entire drawing area.

Since version: 0.1.0


Type: Color (see above)

Settable? ✔️

Default: Black (#000000)

The color to display content in. May be overridden by the \color LaTeX command.

Since version: 0.1.0


Type: CSharpMath.Rendering.PaintStyle

Settable? ✔️

Default: PaintStyle.Fill

Whether to only draw the outline of the content or also fill the content. Normally you would want to use PaintStyle.Fill, but you can also create great neon styles with PaintStyle.Stroke.

Since version: 0.1.0



Bounds, Padding, TextAlignment, DrawSize

Error handling


Type: System.String

Settable? ❌

Default: null

The error message if the previously set LaTeX contains a syntax error, and null if not. Basically a convenience property to Source.Error.

Since version: 0.1.0


Type: System.Boolean

Settable: ✔️

Default: true

Whether to display ErrorMessage in place of ordinary content if the previously set LaTeX contains a syntax error. If not, then the content will not change from the previously correctly parsed content.

Since version: 0.1.0


Type: Color (see above)

Settable: ✔️

Default: Red (#FF0000)

The color to display ErrorMessage in when it is displayed. Only relevant if DisplayErrorInline is true.

Since version: 0.1.0


Type: System.Nullable<System.Float>

Settable: ✔️

Default: null

The font size in points to display ErrorMessage in. If set to null, then FontSize will be used. Only relevant if DisplayErrorInline is true.

Since version: 0.1.0


ScrollX, ScrollY, Magnification