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prf Analyze output

Garikoitz Lerma-Usabiaga edited this page Mar 30, 2020 · 2 revisions

Upon successful completion of the prf-Analyze container, a new folder with the tool name is created in the BIDS derivatives directory (e.g. derivatives/prfanalyze-afni). This folder contains the subject/session folder with a set of NIfTI files, one per each of the parameters estimated by the tool. The derivatives/ folder for when vista and aprf analyses are run should look like this:

A basic description of the files in the output directory:

  • sub-subject_ses-session_task-prf_x0.nii.gz: NIfTI file containing a predicted x parameter per voxel.
  • sub-subject_ses-session_task-prf_y0.nii.gz: NIfTI file containing a predicted y parameter per voxel.
  • sub-subject_ses-session_task-prf_sigmamajor.nii.gz: NIfTI file containing the radius of the circular RF, in the case of elliptical fitting, it will be the sigmaMajor.
  • sub-subject_ses-session_task-prf_sigmamajor.nii.gz: NIfTI file containing the radius of the RF.
  • sub-subject_ses-session_task-prf_modelpred.nii.gz: NIfTI file containing the BOLD time series prediction from the tool. It should be scaled back at the input BOLD series to allow direct comparisons (variance explained, for example).

Other tool-specific NIfTI files will be created. For example, if the simple circular AFNI implementation is used, an additional NIfTI file specifies the gain. If the elliptical AFNI implementation is used there are additional files for the gain, sigmaMinor file and Theta angle value that expresses the inclination of the sigmaMajor axis with respect to the horizontal axis.

These files are ready to be used in the prf-Report part of the validation framework.