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Proposal for specifying scrolling end position

Mengyuan(Joanna) Wu edited this page Mar 23, 2015 · 5 revisions

Use Case

A Web developer might want to specify the end position of a scroll event, esp. one triggered by clicking cross-referencing links (hash links), as the current browser behavior - the browser scrolls to where the :target element is placed flush with the top of the browser window - disrupts reading.

Applicable Sites and Current Solution

  1. Project documentation (eg. Apache Spark)

When we click a title, at the first time it will jump into the 'correct' position, however, the second time it won't. Related code is:

function maybeScrollToHash() {
  if (window.location.hash && $(window.location.hash).length) {
    console.log("HERE2", $(window.location.hash),
    var newTop = $(window.location.hash).offset().top - 57;

The event listener is hashchange, I don't think it's a good solution (57 is a magic number). Meanwhile, in my opinion this kind of problems should be solved by CSS.

  1. GitHub source view

This effect is also achived by javascript, following is the related code in github-xxxxxxx.js:

  $(window).scrollTop(s.offset().top - .33 * $(window).height())

So there is the same issue, same url may jump to different position.

Possible Solution: New Property

  1. Xidorn 的思路 →

  2. 原来 Kenny 的思路 →