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How to Manage Budgets and Transactions

Rakesh Pradhan edited this page Jun 5, 2016 · 3 revisions


Add Budget

In the project overview page (see screenshot above), you will find the option to Add Budget. The Budget form requests the following information:

1. Budget start date

The start of the period to which this budget is assigned.

2. Budget end date

The end of the period to which this budget is assigned.

3. Amount

This is the amount of budget assigned to the project in question.

4. Currency

This is the currency in which the budget has been assigned.

Add Transaction

In the 'Project Overview' page (see above), you will find the option to add different kinds of transactions. You can add "transactions" of following types:

1. Disbursement

If, as part of your project activity, you disburse funds to a recipient government or organisation, or you transfer funds between two separately reported activities, they can be considered to fall under this transaction type.

2. Expenditure

Outgoing funds that are spent on goods and services for the project in question are considered to be expenditures and can reported under this transaction type.

3. Incoming Funds

Funds received for use on the project itself, whether from an external or internal source, can be reported under this transaction type.

In any of these transaction forms, you will have to provide the following information:

1. Transaction Reference

This field should contain your organisation's internal reference for the transaction, which links this transaction back to your financial management system and keeps track of your transactions.

2. Transaction Date

This field is for the date on which the transaction itself took place.

3. Amount

This field should be filled with the amount received under this transaction by the organisation, usually from the funding organisation.

4. Currency

This field shows the currency in which the funds were received, disbursed or spent.

5. Description

This field should be filled with a brief, accurate and user-friendly description of the transaction.

6. Receiver Organisation

This field displays the name of the organisation benefitting financially from the transaction in question.

After you have added transactions, you will be redirected to the updated 'Project Overview' page.

Add/Edit another Budget/Transaction

When you hover over a type of Budget/Transaction on the 'Project Overview' page, you will see a pen icon to the right.


If you click on it, it will take to a single form where you can;

  1. Edit the transaction information you have already added.
  2. Add Another Budget/Transaction by clicking on the 'Add' button, which you will find above the Save button.

After you have added budget/transactions and/or edited budget/transaction information, click on the blue Save button to save the changes you made.


Delete Budget/Transaction

There are two ways to delete a budget/transaction element.

  1. To delete a single budget/transaction Hover over a type of Budget/Transaction in the 'Project Overview' page - you will see a pen icon to the right. If you click on it, the form for that transaction type will load. Within the form itself, you will find a bin icon. If you click on this bin icon, this individual transaction will be deleted.


  1. To delete all of the Budget/Transaction elements of a particular type Hover over a type of Transaction in the project overview page, you will see a cross icon to the right. If you click on this icon, you will delete all of the transaction of that type. For example, you could delete all 'Expenditure' transactions at once, or all 'Disbursement' transactions at once.


Great work! You have now learned how to add, edit and delete budget/transactions. Now that you have added all the information related to a project, learn how to publish your project to the IATI Registry