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Database Schema Information

Evan H edited this page Apr 23, 2024 · 14 revisions

This page contains our MySQL database schema. The Database is named SEAC_Tool_Shed. Below is our E-R Diagram:

DB Schema

Table Listing

Most tables must be populated with at least one record for the application to function. These tables are marked with a dagger (†).

Account Tables

  • Accounts
  • Current_Membership_Status
  • Genders
  • Gift_Cards
  • Membership_Levels
  • Privilege_Levels
  • Waivers

Transaction Tables

  • Transactions
  • Transaction_Types
  • Transaction_Payments

Tool Tables

  • Brands
  • Categories
  • Tool_Categories
  • Tool_Locations
  • Tool_Statuses
  • Tool_Types
  • Types
  • Tools


The Accounts table contains individual account information. It connects with the Current_Membership_Status, Genders, Gift_Cards, Membership_Levels, Privilege_Levels, and Transactions tables.

Field Type Purpose Details
Account_ID INT The primary key of the table. PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT
Customer_ID VARCHAR(40) The ID for the Account's Square customer data.
First_Name VARCHAR(255) The Account's first name. NOT NULL
Last_Name VARCHAR(255) The Account's last name. NOT NULL
DOB DATE The Account's birth date. NOT NULL
Gender_Code TINYINT UNSIGNED The integer code of the Account's gender; connects with the Genders table as a foreign key. NOT NULL UNIQUE
Organization_Name VARCHAR(255) The Account's optional Organization Name. DEFAULT NULL
Email VARCHAR(255) The unique email associated with an Account. NOT NULL UNIQUE
Password VARBINARY(255) The string value of an Account's password, stored and verified using Advanced Encryption Standard. NOT NULL
Phone_Number CHAR(10) The 10-digit code of an Account's associated phone number. NOT NULL
Address_Line1 VARCHAR(255) The first line of an Account's address. NOT NULL
Address_Line2 VARCHAR(255) The optional second line of an Account's address.
City VARCHAR(255) The name of the city associated with the address. NOT NULL
State VARCHAR(255) The name of the state associated with the address. NOT NULL
Postal_Code CHAR(5) The postal code associated with the address. NOT NULL
Secondary_First_Name VARCHAR(255) An optional secondary first name.
Secondary_Last_Name VARCHAR(255) An optional secondary last name.
Secondary_Email VARCHAR(255) An optional secondary email.
Secondary_Phone_Number CHAR(10) An optional secondary 10-digit phone number.
Account_Creation_Date DATE The current date on the day of the Account's creation. NOT NULL DEFAULT (CURRENT_DATE())
Account_Notes TEXT Any notes for the Account that may be important for staff. Not visible to the holder of the Account.
Membership_Level TINYINT UNSIGNED The integer code value associated with the Account's Membership Level; connects with the Membership_Levels table as a foreign key. This field is populated upon membership sign-up. NOT NULL
Membership_Status TINYINT UNSIGNED The integer code value associated with the active/inactive status of an Account, default Active; connects with the Current_Membership_Status table as a foreign key. NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'
Membership_Auto_Renewal BOOL The boolean value associated with auto membership renewal, default false. NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'
Membership_Creation_Date DATE The date when a membership is activated, defaulted to the current date when Registration status is set; updates when a new membership is selected. NOT NULL DEFAULT (CURRENT_DATE())
Membership_Expiration_Date DATE The date when a membership expires, defaulted to the current date when Registration status is set plus one year; updates once a new membership is selected. NOT NULL DEFAULT (DATE_ADD(CURRENT_DATE(), INTERVAL 1 YEAR))
Privilege_Level TINYINT UNSIGNED The integer code value associated with the privilege status of an Account; connects with the Privileges_Level table as a foreign key. 1 = Customer, 2 = Volunteer, 3 = Employee, 4 = Manager, 5 = Administrator. Defaults to Customer unless specified by an Employee or higher. NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'

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The Brands table contains tool brands, such as Makita or DeWalt. It connects with the Tools table.

Field Type Purpose Details
Brand_Name VARCHAR(255) The primary key of the table, and the name of the brand. PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL

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The Categories table contains tool categories, such as Carpentry or Roofing. It connects with the Tools table.

Field Type Purpose Details
Category_Name VARCHAR(255) The name of the category. NOT NULL

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The Current_Membership_Status table contains the two membership statuses, Active and Inactive. It connects with the Accounts table.

Field Type Purpose Details
Membership_Status TINYINT UNSIGNED The primary key of the table. PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL UNIQUE
Membership_Status_Description VARCHAR(255) An optional description of a Membership Status. DEFAULT NULL

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The Genders table contains genders, such as Female and Non-Binary. It connects with the Accounts table.

Field Type Purpose Details
Gender_Name VARCHAR(255) The name of the gender. NOT NULL

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The Gift_Cards table contains Gift Card data, such as the Membership Level of the gift card and an Is_Applied flag. It connects with the Accounts and the Membership_Levels tables.

Field Type Purpose Details
Account_ID INT UNSIGNED A primary key of the table; the unique ID of a gift card's assigned Account. Connects with the Accounts table as a foreign key. PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL UNIQUE
Card_Code CHAR(6) A primary key of the table; the randomly-generated 6-digit activation code of the gift card, emailed to the Account. PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL DEFAULT lpad(floor((rand() * 999999.99)),6,_utf8mb4'0')
Membership_Level TINYINT UNSIGNED The integer code value associated with the gift card's Membership Level; connects with the Membership_Levels table as a foreign key. NOT NULL
Is_Applied BOOL A flag indicating whether a gift card has been redeemed already, default false. NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'

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The Membership_Levels table contains membership levels, such as Builder and Contractor. It connects with the Accounts and Gift_Cards tables.

Field Type Purpose Details
Membership_Level TINYINT UNSIGNED The primary key of the table; connects with the Accounts table. Stores the unique ID for each membership level: 1 is Tinkerer, 2 is MacGyver, etc. PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT
Membership_Title VARCHAR(255) The name of the membership level, such as MacGyver. NOT NULL
Membership_Price FLOAT The annual purchase price of the membership. NOT NULL
Max_Tool_Checkout INT UNSIGNED The maximum number of tools that can be checked out under the membership level. NOT NULL
Is_Organizational TINYINT(1) A flag indicating whether a membership level is organizational, and therefore invisible to non-organization Accounts. NOT NULL

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The Privilege_Levels table contains the privilege levels accounts can have, such as Manager and Admin. It connects with the Accounts table.

Field Type Purpose Details
Privilege_Level TINYINT UNSIGNED The primary key of the table; connects with the Accounts table. PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL
Privilege_Title VARCHAR(255) The name of the privilege level, such as Customer. NOT NULL

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The Tool_Categories table contains tool categories, such as Crafting and Masonry. It connects with the Categories and the Tools tables.

Field Type Purpose Details
Tool_ID INT UNSIGNED A primary key of the table; connects with the Tools table as a foreign key. PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL
Category_ID INT UNSIGNED A primary key of the table; connects with the Categories table as a foreign key. PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL

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The Tool_Locations table contains tool locations, such as Mobile Unit - Thomas P. Ryan Center (Monday) and Main Location. It connects with the Tools table.

Field Type Purpose Details
Tool_Location INT UNSIGNED The primary key of the table; connects with the Tools table to check on Current_Location and Home_Location. PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT
Location_Name VARCHAR(255) The name of the location. NOT NULL

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The Tool_Statuses table contains tool statuses, such as Checked Out and Maintenance. It connects with the Tools table.

Field Type Purpose Details
Tool_Status TINYINT UNSIGNED The primary key of the table. PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL
Tool_Status_Details VARCHAR(255) The label of the tool status, such as Available. NOT NULL

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The Tool_Types table contains tool types, such as Angle Grinders and Jigs. It connects with both the Tools and the Types tables.

Field Type Purpose Details
Tool_ID INT UNSIGNED A primary key of the table; connects with the Tools table as a foreign key. PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL
Type_ID INT UNSIGNED A primary key of the table; connects with the Types table as a foreign key. PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL

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The Tools table contains tool data objects. It connects with the Brands, Tool_Categories, Tool_Locations, Tool_Statuses, and Tool_Types tables.

Field Type Purpose Details
Old_Tool_ID VARCHAR(255) A field used for data migration. DEFAULT NULL
Tool_Name VARCHAR(255) The name of the tool. NOT NULL
Brand_Name VARCHAR(255) The brand of the tool; connects with the Brands table as a foreign key. DEFAULT NULL
Tool_Weight FLOAT The weight of the tool, in pounds. DEFAULT NULL
Tool_Size VARCHAR(255) The size of the tool, in inches. DEFAULT NULL
Home_Location INT UNSIGNED The location where the tool is meant to be returned; connects with the Tool_Locations table as a foreign key. NOT NULL
Current_Location INT UNSIGNED The current location of the tool, which will be the same as Home_Location unless the tool has been classified as Floating; connects with the Tool_Locations table as a foreign key. NOT NULL
Location_Code VARCHAR(255) The descriptor of the tool's current, specific location, such as In Drawer 4C. DEFAULT NULL
Tool_Description TEXT Details regarding the tool.
Tool_Status TINYINT UNSIGNED The status of the tool, such as Available or Checked Out; connects with the Tool_Statuses table as a foreign key. NOT NULL
Tool_Link VARCHAR(2000) The link to a tool's image. DEFAULT NULL
Tool_Manual VARCHAR(2000) The link to a tool's manual. DEFAULT NULL
Tool_Loan_Fee FLOAT The monetary value of loaning a tool, in USD ($xx.xx). NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'
Default_Late_Fee FLOAT The monetary amount to be charged to a user every day a tool is overdue, until either returned or fully charged. NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'
Default_Loan_Length TINYINT UNSIGNED The length of a tool's loan period before it must be returned, defaulted to seven days. NOT NULL DEFAULT '7'
Renewal_Amount TINYINT The amount of times a loan may be extended, defaulted to once. NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'
Tool_Replacement_Cost FLOAT The monetary cost to replace a tool entirely. NOT NULL
Is_Floating BOOL A flag indicating whether a tool must be returned to its home location. NOT NULL
Is_Featured BOOL A flag indicating whether a tool is featured on the main page. NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'

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The Transaction_Payments table contains payment invoices types for any transaction that occurs in the system. It connects with the Transactions table.

Field Type Purpose Details
Transaction_ID INT UNSIGNED The primary key of the table. Relates to a transaction in the Transactions table. PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL
Invoice_Number VARCHAR(255) The primary key of the table. The invoice number generated for each transaction. PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL
Payment_ID VARCHAR(2000) The invoice code generated from Square for each transaction. NOT NULL

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The Transaction_Types table contains transaction types, such as Membership Renewal and Tool Return. It connects with the Transactions table.

Field Type Purpose Details
Transaction_Type TINYINT UNSIGNED The primary key of the table. PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL
Transaction_Details VARCHAR(255) The label of the transaction type, such as New Membership. DEFAULT NULL

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The Transactions table contains transaction data objects. It connects with the Tool_Transactions, Transaction_Types, and Accounts tables.

Field Type Purpose Details
Transaction_ID INT UNSIGNED The primary key of the table. PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT
Account_ID INT UNSIGNED The Account ID or IDs associated with the transaction; connects with the Accounts table as a foreign key. NOT NULL
Transaction_Date DATE The date the transaction took place. NOT NULL
Transaction_Type TINYINT UNSIGNED The type of the transaction; connects with the Transaction_Types table as a foreign key. NOT NULL
Start_Date DATE The potential start date of the transaction. DEFAULT NULL
End_Date DATE The potential end date of the transaction. DEFAULT NULL
Check_Out_Date DATE The potential check-out date of the transaction. DEFAULT NULL
Check_In_Date DATE The potential check-in date of the transaction. DEFAULT NULL
Payment_Amount FLOAT The potential payment total of the transaction. DEFAULT NULL

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The Types table contains tool types, such as Axes and Screwdriver Sets. It connects with the Tool_Types table.

Field Type Purpose Details
Type_ID INT UNSIGNED The primary key of the table; connects with the Tool_Types table. PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT
Type_Name VARCHAR(255) The name of the tool type, such as Table Saws. NOT NULL

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The Waivers table contains the waiver data objects necessary for the SEAC Tool Shed. Currently, those are the Tool Waiver and Indemnification and Tool Lending Agreement.

Field Type Purpose Details
Waiver_ID INT UNSIGNED The primary key of the table. PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL
Waiver_Name VARCHAR(255) The name of the waiver, such as Tool Waiver and Indemnification. NOT NULL
Waiver_Details TEXT The text of the waiver. NOT NULL

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